Sunday, August 5, 2007

part - I

Sri Krsna-pada-padma-prapti-sopanam The Stairway to Sri Krsna's Lotus Feet
Text 1

sri-narada uvaca

srutam- prathamato brahman

brahma-khandam- manoharam

brahmano vadanambhojat

paramadbhutam eva ca

sri-narada uvaca - Sri Narada said; srutam - heard; prathamatah - from the first; brahman - O brahmana; brahma-khandam - the Brahma-khanda; manoharam - beautiful; brahmanah - of Lord Brahma; vadanambhojat - from the mouth; paramadbhutam - very wonderful; eva - indeed; ca - and.

Sri Narada said O brahmana first I heard the beautiful and very wonderful Brahma-khanda from Brahma's mouth.

Text 2

tatas tad-vacanat turnam

samagatya tavantikam srutam- prakrti-khandam- ca

sudha-khandat param- varam

tatah - then; tad-vacanat - from his mouth; turnam - at once; samagatya - arriving; tava antikam - near you; srutam - heard; prakrti-khandam - Prakrti-khandam- ca - and sudha-khandat - than nectar; param varam - better.

Then by his command I came to you and heard the Prakrti- khanda which is sweeter than nectar.

Text 3

tato ganapateh„ khandam

akhanda-janma-khandanam na me trptam- mano lolam

vasistam- srotum icchati

tatah - then; ganapateh - of Ganapati; khandam - the khanda; akhanda-janma-khandanam - which breaks the cycle of repeated birth and death; na - not; me - of me; trptam - satisfied; manah - heart; lolam - yearning; vasistam - specific; srotum - to hear; icchati - wishes.

Now unsatisfied even by hearing the Ganapati-khanda which breaks the cycle of repeated birth my heart yearns to hear a certain thing.

Texts ´4·

sri-krsna-janma-khandam- ca

janmadi-khandanam- nrnam pradipam- sarva-tattvanam

karma-ghnam- hari-bhakti-dam

sadyo vairagya-janakam

bhava-roga-nikrntanam karanam- mukti-bijanam

bhavabdhi-taranam- param


khandane ca rasayanam sri-krsna-caranambhoja-


jivanam- vaisnavanam- ca

jagatam- pavanam- param vada vistaraso bhaktam

sisyam- mam- saranagatam

sri-krsna-janma-khandam - the khanda of Lord Krsna's birth; ca - also; janmadi-khandanam - which breaks the cycle of repeated birth; nrnam - of men; pradipam - the lamp; sarva-tattvanam’ karma-ghnam - which destroys the fruits of karma; hari-bhakti-dam - and gives devotional service to Lord Hari; sadyah - at once; vairagya-janakam - the creator of renunciation; bhava - of material existence; roga - the disease; nikrntanam - curing; karanam - the cause; mukti-bijanam - of the seeds of liberation; bhava - of material existence; abdhi - the ocean; taranam - the boat for crossing; param - great; karma - of fruitive work; upabhoga - of enjoying the fruits; roganam - of the diseases; khandane - in breaking; ca - and; rasayanam - the medicine; sri-krsna - - of Sri Krsna; carana - feet; ambhoja - lotus; prapti - atainment; sopana - staircase; karanam - - cause; jivanam - the life; vaisnavanam - of the Vaisnavas; ca - and; jagatam - of the universes; pavanam - the purifier; param - great; vada - please tell; vistarasah - elaborately; bhaktam - to the devotee; sisyam - disciple; mam - me; sarana - at the shelter; agatam - come.

To me a devotee and your surrendered disciple please elaborately narrate the Sri Krsna-janma-khanda which breaks the cycle of birth and death for the people of this world which is a shining lamp of all truths which ends fruitive work brings devotional service to Lord Hari at once creates renunciation cures the disease of repeated birth and death plants the seed of liberation is a boat to cross the ocean of repeated birth and death is a medicine to cure the disease of trying to enjoy the fruits of work is a stairway leading to Sri Krsna's lotus feet and is the life of the Vaisnavas and the purifier of the worlds.

Text 8

kena va prarthitah„ krsnah

ajagama mahi-talam sarvamsair eka evesah

paripurnatamah„ svayam

kena - by whom?; va - or; prarthitah - requested; krsnah - Krsna; ajagama - came; mahi-talam - to the surface of the earth; sarva - with all; amsaih - His plenary portions; eka - one; eva - indeed; isah - Lord; paripurnatamah - most perfect; svayam - personally.

By whose request did Lord Krsna the most perfect and complete original Supreme Personality of Godhead come accompanied by all His amsa incarnations to the surface of the earth?

Text 9

yuge kutra kuto hetoh

kutra vavirbabhuva ha vasudevo 'sya janakam

ko va ka va ca devaki

yuge kutra - in what yuga?; kuto hetoh - for what reason?; kutra - where?; va - or; avirbabhuva - manifested; ha - indeed; vasudevah - Vasudeva; asya - His; janakam - father; kah - who?; va - or; ka - who?; va - or; ca - and; devaki - Devaki.

In what yuga for what reason and in what place did appear? Who is His father Vasudeva? Who is Devaki?

Text 10

vada kasya kule janma

mayaya su-vidambanam kim- cakara samagatya

kena rupena va harih

vada - tell; kasya - of whom?; kule - in the family; janma - birth; mayaya - by Yogamaya; su- vidambanam - in an expert imitation; kim - what?; cakara - did; samagatya - arriving; kena - with what; rupena - form; va - or; harih - Lord Hari.

Please tell in what family with Yogamaya's aid expertly imitating the actions of ordinary men He took birth? When He came what did He do? In what form did Lord Hari appear?

Text 11

jagama gokulam- kamsa-

bhayena sutika-grhat katham- kamsat kita-tulyad

abhayasya bhayam- mune

jagama - went; gokulam - to Gokula; kamsa - of Kamsa; bhayena - in fear; sutika-grhat - from the maternity room; katham - why?; kamsat - from Kamsa; kita-tulyat - who was equal to an insect or a worm; abhayasya - fearless; bhayam - fear; mune - O sage.

Afraid of Kamsa He left the maternity room and went to Gokula O sage why was the fearless Supreme Person afraid of Kamsa who was insignificant as a worm or an insect?

Text 12

harir va gopa-vesena

gokule kim- cakara ha kuto gopangana-sardham

vijahara jagat-patih

harih - Lord Hari; va - or; gopa-vesena - as a gopa; gokule - in Gokula; kim - what?; cakara - did; ha - indeed; kutah - why?; gopangana- sardham - with the gopis; vijahara - enjoyed pastimes; jagat-patih - the master of the universes.

Dressed as a cowherd boy what did Lord Hari do in Gokula? Why did the master of the universes enjoy pastimes with cowherd girls?

Text 13

ka va gopangana ke va

gopala bala-rupinah ka va yasoda ko nandah

kim- va punyam- cakara ha

kah - who?; va - or; gopangana - the gopi; ke - who; va - otr; gopala - the cowherd boys; bala- rupinah - in the form of boys; ka - who?; va - or; yasoda - Yasoda; kah - who; nandah - Nanda; kim - what?; va - or; punyam - pious deeds; cakara - did; ha - indeed.

Who were these cowherd girls? Who were these cowherd boys? Who was Yasoda? Who was Nanda? What pious deeds had they performed?

Text 14

katham- radha punyavati

devi goloka-vasini vraje va vraja-kanya sa

babhuva preyasi hareh

katham - why?; radha - Radha; punyavati - saintly; devi - fgoddess; goloka-vasini - residing in Goloka; vraje - in Vraja; va - or; vraja-kanya - a girl of Vraja; sa - She; babhuva - became; preyasi - most dear; hareh - to Lord Hari.

Why did the saintly goddess Radha who lives in Goloka and is Lord Hari's dearest lover come to Vraja and become a girl of Vraja?

Text 15

katham- gopyo duraradhyam

samprapur isvaram- param katham- tas“ ca parityajya

jagama mathuram- punah

katham - why?; gopyah - the gopis; duraradhyam - difficult to worship; samprapuh - attained; isvaram - the Supreme Personality of Godhead; param - then; katham - why?; tas - them; ca - and; parityajya - leaving; jagama - went; mathuram - to Mathura; punah - again.

Hou did these cowherd girls attain the unattainable Supreme Personality of Godhead? Why did He leave them and go to Mathura?

Text 16

bharavataranam- krtva

kim- vidhaya jagama sah kathayasva maha-bhaga


bhara - of the burden; avataranam - the lifting; krtva - having done; kim - what?; vidhaya - doing; jagama - went; sah - He; kathayasva - please tell; maha-bhaga - O very fortunate one; punya - sacred; sravana - hearing; kirtanam - and chanting.

After removing the earth's burden where did He go and what did He do? O very fortunate one please tell the story of the Lord hearing and chanting whose glories are the greatest of pious deeds.

Texts 1·-19

su-durlabham- hari-katham

tarinam- bhava-tarane nisevya bhoga-nigada-


papendhananam- dahane

jvalad-agni-sikham iva pumsam- srutavatam- koti-


muktim- karna-sudha-ramyam

soka-sagara-nasinim mahyam- bhaktaya sisyaya

janam- dehi krpa-nidhe

su-durlabham - difficult to attain; hari-katham - the topics opf Lord Hari; tarinam - the boat; bhava- tarane - for crossing the ocean of repeated birth and death; nisevya - to be served; bhoga - enjoyment; nigada - chains; klesa - of sufferings; chedana - for cutting; karttanim - a sword; papa - of sins; indhananam - of the fuel; dahane - in burning; jvalat - blazing; agni - of fire; sikham - flames; iva - like; pumsam - of the people; srutavatam - hearing; koti- - millions; janma - births; kilbisa - sins; nasinim - destroying; muktim - liberation; karna-sudha-ramyam - nectar to the ears; soka - of grief; sagara - - the ocean; nasinim - destroying; mahyam - to me; bhaktaya - a devotee; sisyaya - a disciple; j anam - knowledge; dehi - please give; krpa - - of mercy; nidhe - O ocean.

O ocean of mercy to me who am your devoted disciple please teach the rarely heard stories of Lord Hari which are a boat to cross the ocean of repeated birth and death a sword to cut the painful chains of material pleasures blazing flames to burn the fuel of hosts of sins the destroyer of sins for they who hear the giver of liberation nectar for the ears and the destroyer of an ocean of grief.

Text 20


prthivi-tirtha-darsanat sruti-pathad anasanat

vrata-devarcanad api

diksaya sarva-yajesu

yat phalam- labhate narah sodasim- jana-danasya

kalam- narhati tat phalam

tapah - austerity; japa - chanting mantras; maha - great; dana - charity; prthivi - on the earth; tirtha - holy places; darsanat - from seeing; sruti - the Vedas; pathat - from studying; anasanat - from fasting; vrata - from following vows; deva - the demigods; arcanat - from worshiping; api - even; diksaya - by initiation; sarva - in all; yaj esu - sacrifices; yat - what; phalam - result; labhate - attains; narah - a man; sodasim - sixteenth; jana - of knowledge; danasya - of the charity; kalam - part; na - not; arhati - is worthy; tat - that; phalam - result.

By performing austerities chanting mantras giving great charity seeing the holy places of the earth studying the Vedas fasting following vows worshiping the demigods and being initiated to perform all yajas one does not attain even one sixteenth the benefit of hearing the glories of Lord Hari.

Text 22

pitraham- presito jana-

danaya tava sannidhim sudha-samudram- samprapya

na ko va patum icchati

pitra - by my father; aham - I; presitah - sent; jana - knowledge; danaya - to give; tava - you; sannidhim - near; sudha - of nectar; samudram - an ocean; samprapya - attaining; na - not; kah - who?; va - or; patum - to drink; icchati - desires.

My father sent me here to learn from you Who approaching an ocean of nectar would not wish to drink from it?

Text 23

sri-narayana uvaca

maya jato 'si dhanyas tvam

punya-rasih„ su-murtiman karosi bhramanam- lokan

pavitum- kula-pavana

sri-narayanah„ uvaca - Sri Narayana Rsi said; maya - by Me; jatah - understood; asi - you are; dhanyah - fortunate; tvam - you; punya - of piety; rasih - an abundance; su-murtiman - glorious; karosi - you do; bhramanam - wandering; lokan - the worlds; pavitum - to purify; kula-pavana - purifying the people.

Sri Narayana Rsi said I knou that you are very fortunate pious and glorious O purifier of the people you wander here and there to purify the worlds.

Text 24

jananam- hrdayam- sadyah

su-vyaktam- vacanena vai sisye kalatre kanyanam

dauhitre bandhave 'pi ca

putre pautre ca vacasi

pratape yasasi sriyam buddhau varini vidyayam

jayate hrdayam- nrnam

jananam - of the people; hrdayam - the heart; sadyah - at once; su-vyaktam - manifested; vacanena - by words; vai - indeed; sisye - to a disciple; kalatre - wife; kanyanam - of daughters; dauhitre - granddaughter; bandhave - relatives; api - even; ca - and; putre - in a son; pautre - a grandsone; ca - abd; vacasi - in words; pratape - in great; yasasi - glory; sriyam - in beauty; buddhau - in intelligence; varini - in words; vidyayam - in knowledge; jayate - is known; hrdayam - the heart; nrnam - of men.

As you hear their words the people's hearts are quickly revealed to you You knou hou people's hearts are disposed to their disciple wife daughter granddaughter relatives son and grandson and hou their hearts have glory beauty intelligence eloquence and knowledge.

Text 26

jivan mukto 'si putas tvam

suddha-bhakto gada-bhrtah punasi pada-rajasa

sarvadharam- vasundharam

jivan - living; muktah - liberated; asi - you are; putah - pure; tvam - you; suddha-bhaktah - pure devotee; gada-bhrtah - of Lord Krsna; punasi - you purify; pada-rajasa - with the dust of your feet; sarva - all; adharam - maintaining; vasundharam - the earth.

You are liberated even while living in this world You are completely pure You are a pure devotee of Lord Krsna With the dust of your feet you purify this earth the maintainer of all.

Text 27

punasi lokan sarvams“ ca

svayam- vigraha-darsanat su-mangala hari-katha

tena tam- srotum icchasi

punasi - you purify; lokan - worlds; sarvan - all; ca - and; svayam - personally; vigraha - of the form; darsanat - by the sight; su-mangalah - very auspicious; hari-kathah - topics of Lord Hari; tena - by that; tam - you; srotum - to hear; icchasi - wish.

By showing yourself you purify all the worlds That is why you wish to hear the very auspicious topics of Lord Hari.

Text 28

yatra krsna-katha santi

tatraiva sarva-devatah rsayo munayas“ caiva

tirthani nikhalani ca

yatra - where; krsna-katha - the topics of Lord Krsna; santi - are; tatra - there; eva - indeed; sarva- devatah - all the demigods; rsayah - sages; munayas - thinkers; ca - and; eva - certainly; tirthani - holy places; nikhalani - all; ca - also.

Where the topics of Lord Krsna are present there also are all the demigods sages philosophers saints and holy places of pilgrimage.

Text 29

kathah„ srutva tathante te

yanti santo nirapadam bhavanti tani tirthani

yesu krsna-kathah„ subhah

kathah - tppics; srutva - hearing; tatha - so; ante - at the end; te - they; yanti - go; santah - saints; nirapadam - without distress; bhavanti - become; tani - they; tirthani - holy places; yesu - in whom; krsna-kathah - the topics of Lord Krsna; subhah - auspicious.

By hearing the topics of Lord Hari the hearers become great saints free of all distress They who hear the beautiful and auspicious topics of Lord Hari become holy places of pilgrimage

Text 30

sadyah„ krsna-katha-vakta

svasya pumsam- satam- satam samuddhrtya srutavatam

punati nikhilam- kulam

sadyah - at once; krsna-katha-vakta - speaking the topics of Lord Hari; svasya - personally; pumsam - of people; satam- satam - hundreds and hundreds; samuddhrtya - delivering; srutavatam - hearing; punati - purify; nikhilam - entire; kulam - family.

Speaking the glories of Lord Hari and delivering hundreds and hundreds of listeners they purify the entire world.

Text 31

prasta tu prasna-matrena

punati kulam atmanah srota sravana-matrena

sva-kulam- sva-sva-bandhavan

prasta - the questioner; tu - indeed; prasna- matrena - simply by his question; punati - purifies; kulam - his family; atmanah - own; srota - the hearer; sravana-matrena - simply by hearing; sva-kulam - his family; sva-sva-bandhavan - his relatives.

Simply by asking his question the inquirer purifies his family Simply by hearing the hearer purifies his family and all his relatives.

Text 32


janmedam- bharate labhet karoti sa-phalam- janma

srutva hari-kathamrtam

sata - hundreds; janma - of births; tapah - by austerities; putah - purified; janma - birth; idam - this; bharate - in Bharata-varsa; labhet - attain; karoti - does;; sa- phalam - successful; janma - birth; srutva - hearing; hari - of Lord Hari; katha - of the topics; amrtam - the nectar.

Pure as if he had performed austerities for hundreds of births he is born in Bharata-varsa Hearing the nectar of topics about Lord Hari his life is a success.

Texts 3³ and 34

arcanam- vandanam- mantra-

japam- sevanam eva ca smaranam- kirtanam- sasvad

guna-sravanam ipsitam

nivedanam- tasya dasyam

navadha bhakti-laksanam karoti janma sa-phalam

srutvaitani ca bharate

arcanam - worship; vandanam - obeisances; mantra - mantras; japam - chanting; sevanam - service; eva - indeed; ca - also; smaranam - remembering; kirtanam - glorifying; sasvat - always; guna - the virtues; sravanam - hearing; ipsitam - desired; nivedanam - surrener; tasya - of him; dasyam - service; navadha - nine kinds; bhakti-laksanam - of devotional service; karoti - does; janma - birth; sa- phalam - sucessful; srutva - hearing; etani - - these; ca - and; bharate - in Bharata-varsa.

The nine kinds of devotional service are 1 always worshiping the Lord 2 offering obeisances to Him 3 chanting His mantras 4 serving Him 5 remembering Him 6 glorifying Him 7 hearing His glories 8 yearning to attain Him and 9 surrendering to Him Hearing of them he performs these kinds of devotional service In this way his birth in Bharata-varsa bears its fruit.

Text 35

na ca vighno bhavet tasya

paramayur na nasyati na yati tat-purah„ kalo

vainateyam ivoragah

na - not; ca - and; vighnah - obstacle; bhavet - is; tasya - of him; paramayuh - long life; na - not; nasyati - dies; na - not; yati - goes; tat-purah - before him; kalah - time; vainateyam - Garuda; iva - like; uragah - a snake.

For him there are no obstacles He lives a long life and never perishes As a snake will not approach Garuda so time does not approach him.

Text 36

na jahati samipam- ca

ksanam- tasya harih„ svayam upatistanti turnam- tam


na - not; jahati - leaves; samipam - near; ca - and; ksanam - for a moment; tasya - of him; harih - Lord Hari; svayam - personally; upatistanti - serve; turnam - at once; tam - him; anima-adika - beginning with anima; siddhayah - the mystic perfections.

Lord Hari does not leave him for even a moment Headed by anima‘-siddhi the mystic perfections approach eager to serve him.

Text 37

sudarsanam- bhramaty eva

tasya parsve diva-nisam krsnajaya ca raksartham

ko va kim- karttam isvarah

sudarsanam - the sudarsana-cakra; bhramati - whirls; eva - indeed; tasya - of him; parsve - at the side; diva-nisam - day and night; krsna - of Lord Krsna; aj aya - by the order; ca - and; raksartham - to protect; kah - who; va - or; kim - what?; karttam - cutting; isvarah - is able.

By Lord Krsna's order day and night the sudarsana-cakra stays by his side to protect him Who can attack him? What can an attacker do to him?

Text 38

na yanti tat-samipam- ca

svapne 'pi yama-kinkarah jvalad-agnim- yatha drstva

salabha na vrajanti tam

na - not; yanti - go; tat-samipam - near him; ca - also; svapne - in dreams; api - even; yama- kinkarah - Yama's servants; jvalat - blazing; agnim - fire; yatha - as; drstva - seeing; salabha - crickets; na - not; vrajanti - go; tam - to it.

As crickets seeing a fire will not approach so Yamaraja's servants do not approach him even in his dreams.

Text 39

vyadhayo vipadah„ soka

vighnas“ ca na prayanti tam na yati tat-samipam- ca

mrtyur mrtyu-bhayan mune

vyadhayah - diseases; vipadah - calamities; soka - lamentations; vighnas - obstacles; ca - also; na - not; prayanti - go; tam - to him; na - not; yati - go; tat-samipam - near him; ca - also; mrtyuh - death; mrtyu-bhayan - out of fear of death; mune - O sage.

Diseases calamities sufferings and obstacles do not approach him O sage afraid of its own death death itself will not approach him.

Text 40

rsayo munayah„ siddhah

santustah„ sarva-devatah sa ca sarvatra nihsankah

sukhi krsna-prasadatah

rsayah - rsis; munayah - munis; siddhah - siddhas; santustah - pleased; sarva-devatah - all the demigods; sa - he; ca - and; sarvatra - everywhere; nihsankah - fearless; sukhi - happy; krsna-prasadatah - by Lord Krsna's mercy.

The rsis munis siddhas and all the demigods become pleased with him By Lord Krsna's mercy he is always fearless and happy.

Text 41

tava krsna-kathayam- ca

ratir atyantiki sada janakasya sva-bhavo hi

janme tisthati niscitam

tava - of you; krsna - of Lord Krsna; kathayam - in the topics; ca - also; ratih - attraction; atyantiki - great; sada - always; janakasya - of the father; sva-bhavah - own nature; hi - indeed; janme - birth; tisthati - stands niscitam - concluded.

You are always attracted to the topics of Lord Krsna In this birth you are like your father Brahma.

Text 42

viprendra ka prasamseyam

janma te brahma-manase yasya yatra kule janma

tan-matis tadrsi bhavet

viprendra - O king of brahmanas; ka - what?; prasamsa - praise; iyam - this; janma - birth; te - your; brahma - of Brahma; manase - in the mind; yasya - of whom; yatra - where; kule - in the family; janma - birth; tan-matih - that idea; tadrsi - like that; bhavet - may be.

O king of brahmanas hou can I properly praise your birth from Lord Brahma's mind? A person's nature will be like his family's.

Text 43

pita vidhata jagatam

krsna-padabja-sevaya nityam- karoti yah„ sasvan

navadha bhakti-laksanam

pita - father; vidhata - the creator; jagatam - of the universe; krsna-padabja-sevaya - by service to Lord Krsna's lotus feet; nityam - always; karoti - does; yah - who; sasvan - always; navadha - in nine ways; bhakti-laksanam - devotional service.

Your father is Brahma the creator of the worlds Serving Lord Krsna's lotus feet he always performs the nine activities of devotional service.

Text 44

ratih„ krsna-kathayam- ca

yasyasru-pulakodgamah mano nimagnam- tatraiva

sa bhaktah„ kathito budhaih

ratih - attraction; krsna-kathayam - for the topics of Lord k; ca - also; yasya - of whom; asru - tears; pulaka-udgamah - hairs standing erect; manah - heart; nimagnam - plunged; tatra - there; eva - indeed; sa - he; bhaktah - devotee; kathitah - said; budhaih - by the wise.

A person who is attracted to topics of Lord Krsna whose heart is plunged in remembering them whose bodily hairs stand erect and who sheds tears to hear them is said to be a devotee by the wise.

Text 45

putra-daradikam- sarvam

janati yo harer iva atmana manasa vaca

sa bhaktah„ kathito budhaih

putra - childremn; dara - and wife; adikam - beginning with; sarvam - everything; janati - knows; yah - who; hareh - of Lord Hari; iva - like; atmana - with his heart; manasa - mind; vaca - words; sa - he; bhaktah - a devotee; kathitah - said; budhaih - by the wise.

A person who with his heart mind and words knows that his wife children and everything are all the property of Lord Hari is said to be a devotee by the wise.

Text 46

dayasti sarva-jivesu

sarvam- krsnamayam- jagat yo janati maha-jani

sa bhakto vaisnavottamah

daya - compassion; asti - is; sarva-jivesu - to all living entities; sarvam - all; krsnamayam - consisting of Lord Krsna; jagat - the word; yah - who; janati - knows; maha-jani - a great wise man; sa - he; bhaktah - a devotee; vaisnavottamah - the best of Vaisnavas.

A person who is kind to all living entities and who knows that Lord Krsna present everywhere in this world is very wise He is a devotee He is the best of devotees.

Text 47

nirjane tirtha-samparke

nihsanga ye mudanvitah dhyayante caranambhojam

sri-hares te ca vaisnavah

nirjane - in a secluded place; tirtha-samparke - in a holy place; nihsanga - alone; ye - who; mudanvitah - happy; dhyayante - meditate; caranambhojam - on the lotus feet; sri-hareh - of Lord Hari; te - they; ca - also; vaisnavah - devotees.

Those happy persons who alone in a secluded holy place meditate on Lord Hari's lotus feet are also great devotees.

Text 48

sasvad ye nama gayanti

gunam- mantram- japanti ca kurvanti sravanam- gatha

vadanti te 'ti-vaisnavah

sasvat - always; ye - who; nama - the holy name; gayanti - chant; gunam - qualities; mantram - mantra; japanti - chant; ca - also; kurvanti - do; sravanam - hearing; gatha - songs; vadanti - say; te - they; ati-vaisnavah - very great devotees.

They who always sing the Lord's holy names chant mantras describing His glories and hear and sing songs describing Him are very great devotees.

Text 49

labdhva mistani vastuni

pradatum- haraye muda turnam- yasya mano hrstam

sa bhakto janinam- varah

labdhva - attaining; mistani - sweet; vastuni - things; pradatum - to give; haraye - to Lord Hari; muda - happily; turnam - at once; yasya - of whom; manah - the heart; hrstam - happy; sa - he; bhaktah - a devotee; janinam - of the wise; varah - the best.

A person who obtains sweet candies and is very happy at heart to offer them to Lord Hari is a devotee He is the best of the wise.

Text 50

yan-mano hari-padabje

svapne janam- diva-nisam purva-karmopabhogam- ca

bahir bhunkte sa vaisnavah

yat - whose; manah - heart; hari-padabje - at Lord Hari's lotus feet; svapne - in dreams; j anam - knowledge; diva-nisam - day and night; purva- karma-upabhogam - previous karma; ca - also; bahih - outside; bhunkte - enjoys; sa - he; vaisnavah - a devotee.

A person who day and night and even in his dreams thinks of Lord Hari's lotus feet has used up all his past karma He is a devotee.

Text 51

guru-vaktrad visnu-mantro

yasya karne visaty atha tam- vaisnavam- maha-putam

pravadanti manisinah

guru - of the guru; vaktrat - from the mouth; visnu - of Lord Visnu; mantrah - a mantra; yasya - of whom; karne - in the ear; visaty - enters; atha - then; tam - him; vaisnavam - a devotee; maha- putam - very pure; pravadanti - say; manisinah - the wise.

The wise say that a person into whose ear a Visnu-mantra has entered from his guru's mouth is a very pure devotee.

Text 52

purvan sapta paran sapta

sapta matamahadikan sodaram uddhared bhaktah

sva-prasum- ca prasu-prasum

purvan - previous; sapta - seven; paran - after; sapta - seven; sapta - seven; matamaha-adikan - - beginning with grandmothers; sodaram - brothers and sisters; uddharet - delivers; bhaktah - a devotee; sva-prasum - own children; ca - and; prasu-prasum - grandchildren.

A devotee delivers his family He delivers seven generations before and seven generations after seven generations of grandparents children grandchildren and other relatives.

Text 53

kalatram- kanyakam- bandhum

sisyam- dauhitram atmanah kinkaram- kinkarim- putram

uddhared vaisnavah„ sada

kalatram - wife; kanyakam - daughter; bandhum - friend; sisyam - disciple; dauhitram - granddaughter; atmanah - own; kinkaram - servant; kinkarim - maidservant; putram - son; uddharet - delivers; vaisnavah - a devotee; sada - always.

A devotee always delivers his wife daughter friend disciple granddaughter servant maidservant and son.

Text 54

sada vachanti tirthani

vaisnava-sparsa-darsane papi-dattani papani

tesam- nasyanti sangatah

sada - always; vachanti - desires; tirthani - holy places; vaisnava-sparsa-darsane - where he can see and touch the devitees; papi - by sinners; dattani - given; papani - sins; tesam - of them; nasyanti - destroy; sangatah - by touch.

The devotees always desire to visit holy pilgrimage places By the devotee's touch and glance the sins sinners leave there are at once destroyed.

Text 55

go-dohana-ksanam- yavad

yatra tisthati vaisnavah tatra sarvani tirthani

santi tavan mahi-tale

gah - of the cows; dohana - of milking; ksanam - at the time; yavat - as; yatra - where; tisthati - stay; vaisnavah - the devotees; tatra - there; sarvani - all; tirthani - holy places; santi - are; tavan - then; mahi-tale - on the surface of the earth.

A place where a devotee stays for as long as it takes to milk a cou become a holy place All the holy places on the surface of the earth are present in that place.

Texts 5¶ and 57

dhruvam- tatra mrtah„ papi

mukto yati hareh„ padam yathaiva jana-gangayam

ante krsna-smrtau yatha

tulasi-kanane gosthe

sri-krsna-mandire pade vrndaranye haridvare

tirthesö anyesu va yatha

dhruvam - indeed; tatra - there; mrtah - dies; papi - a sinner; muktah - liberated; yati - goes; hareh - of Lord Hari; padam - to the abode; yatha - as; eva - indeed; jana - of knowledge; gangayam - in the Ganga; ante - at the end; krsna-smrtau - in remembrance of Krsna; yatha - as; tulasi - of tulasi; kanane - in a forest; gosthe - in Vrndavana; sri- krsna-mandire - in a temple of Lord Krsna; pade - in the place; vrndaranye - in Vrndavana forest; haridvare - at Haridvara; tirthesv - at holyâ places; anyesu - other; va - or; yatha - as.

As if he were plunged in the Ganga‘ of transcendental knowledge as if he were rapt in the thought of Lord Krsna as if he were in a forest of tulasi trees a Krsna-temple Vrndavana Haridvara or other holy places a sinner who dies there attains the abode of Lord Hari.

Text 58

papani papinam- yanti

tirtha-snanavagahanat tesam- papani nasyanti


papani - the sins; papinam - of sinners; yanti - go; tirtha-snanavagahanat - from bathing at a holy place; tesam - of them; papani - the sins; nasyanti - perish; vaisnava - of the devotees; sparsa - touch; vayuna - by the breeze.

When a sinner bathes in a holy place his sins flee His sins are destroyed by a breeze that has touched a devotee.

Text 59

na hi sthatum- saknuvanti

papany eva krtani ca jvalad-agnau yatha ksipram

suskani hi trnani ca

na - not; hi - indeed; sthatum - to stay; saknuvanti - are able; papany - sins; eva - indeed; krtani - done; ca - also; jvalad-agnau - in a blazing fire; yatha - as; ksipram - at once; suskani - dried up; hi - indeed; trnani - grass; ca - also.

As dry strau in a blazing fire these sins cannot survive

Text 60

bhaktam- vartma nigacchantam

ye ye pasyanti manavah sapta-janma-krtaghani

tesam- nasyanti niscitam

bhaktam - of the devottes; vartma - the path; nigacchantam - going; ye ye - whoever; pasyanti - see; manavah - people; sapta - seven; janma - births; krta - performed; aghani - sins; tesam - of them; nasyanti - perish; niscitam - certainly.

Seven lifetimes of sins are destroyed for whoever sees they who travel on the path of devotional service.

Text 61

ye nindanti hrsikesam

tad-bhaktam- punya-rupinam sata-janmarjitam- punyam

tesam- nasyanti niscitam

ye - who; nindanti - blaspheme; hrsikesam - Lord Krsna; tad-bhaktam - His devotee; punya-rupinam - the personification of holiness; sata - a hundred; janma - births; arjitam - earned; punyam - piety; tesam - of them; nasyanti - is destroyed; niscitam - certainly.

The pious credits earned in a hundred births are at once destroyed for they who blaspheme Lord Krsna or His saintly devotee.

Text 62

te pacyante maha-ghore

kumbhipake bhayanake bhaksitah„ kita-sanghena

yavac candra-divakarau

te - they; pacyante - are cooked; maha-ghore - in a great hell; kumbhipake - kumbhipaka; bhayanake - fearful; bhaksitah - eaten; kita-sanghena - by worms; yavat - as long as; candra-divakarau - the sun and the moon.

They are cooked in the terrible hell called Kumbhipaka They are eaten by worms for as long as the sun and moon exist

Text 6³

tasya darsana-matrena

punyam- nasyanti niscitam gangam- snatva ravim- drstva

tada vidvan visuddhyati

tasya - of him; darsana-matrena - simply by seeing; punyam - piety; nasyanti - is destroyed; niscitam - indeed; gangam - the Ganga; snatva - bathing; ravim - the sun; drstva - seeing; tada - then; vidvan - a wise man; visuddhyati - becomes purified.

Simply by seeing such a blasphemer all one's piety is destroyed If he sees him a wise man bathes in the Ganga‘ or glances at the sun and in that way becomes purified.

Text 64


mukto bhavati pataki tasya papam- nihanty eva

svantah„-stho madhusudanah

vaisnava - of a devotee; sparsa - by the touch; matrena - only; muktah - liberated; bhavati - becomes; pataki - a sinner; tasya - of him; papam - the sin; nihanti - perishes; eva - indeed; svantah - in his heart; sthah - situated; madhusudanah - Lord Krsna.

Simply by a devotee's touch a sinner becomes liberated His sins are destroyed Lord Krsna stays in his heart.

Text 65

ity evam- kathito vipra

visnu-vaisnavayor gunah adhuna sri-harer janma

nibodha kathayami te

iti - thus; evam - in this way; kathitah - said; vipra - O brahmana; visnu-vaisnavayoh - of Lord Visnu and His devotee; gunah - the virtue; adhuna - now; sri- hareh - of Sri Hari; janma - the birth; nibodha - please listen; kathayami - I will speak; te - to you.

O brahmana in this way I have described the glories of Lord Visnu and His devotees Nou please listen and I will tell you of Lord Hari's birth.

Sri Brahma-vaivarta Purana

Volume One

Chapter Two

Sridama-Radha-kalaha-varnana Description of the Quarrel Between Sridama‘ and Radha

Texts 1 and 2

sri-narayana uvaca

yena va prarthitah krsnah

ajagama mahi-talam yam yam vidhaya bhumau sa

jagama svalayam vibhuh


dustanam ca vadhodyamam sarvam te kathayisyami

suvicaryya vidhanatah

sri-narayanah uvaca - Sri Narayana Rsi said; yena - by whom; va - or; prarthitah - requested; krsnah - Krsna; ajagama - came; mahi - of the earth; talam - to the surface; yam- yam - whatever; vidhaya - placing; bhumau - on the earth; sa - He; jagama - went; svalayam - to His own abode; vibhuh - the Lord; bhara - of the burden; avatarana - removing; upayam - method; dustanam - of the wicked; ca - and; vadha - killing; udyamam - the method; sarvam - all; te - to you; kathayisyami - I will tell; suvicaryya - carefully considering; vidhanatah - properly.

On whose request did Krsna come to the surface of the earth what the Lord did before He returned to His own abode hou He removed the earth's burden and hou He killed the demons of all these I will carefully thinking of what happened tell you the story.

Text 3

adhuna gopa-vesam ca

gokulagamanam hareh radha gopalika yena

nibodha kathayami te

adhuna - now; gopa-vesam - the dress of a cowherd; ca - and; gokula - to Gokula; agamanam - arruval; hareh - of Lord Hari; radha - Radha; gopalika’the cowherd girl; yena - by which; nibodha - hear; kathayami - I will tell; te - you.

Listen and I will tell you of Lord Hari's descent as a cowherd boy His arrival in Gokula and Radha's descent as a gopi.

Text 4

sankhacuda-vadhe purvam

sanksepat kathitam srutam adhuna ta su-vistarya

nibodha kathayami te

sankhacuda - of Sankhacuda; vadhe - in the killing; purvam - before; sanksepat - briefly; kathitam - told; srutam - heard; adhuna - now; tah - them; su-vistarya - elaborately; nibodha - hear; kathayami - I will tell; te - you.

Listen and I will tell you in detail what before you heard me tell only briefly in the story of Sankhacuda's death.

Text 5

sridamnah kalahas caiva

babhuva radhaya saha sridama sankhacudas ca

sapat tasya babhuva ha

sridamnah - with Sridama; kalahas - a quarrel; ca - and; eva - indeed; babhuva’was; radhaya - Radha; saha - with; sridama - Sridama; sankhacudah - Sankhacuda; ca - and; sapat - from a curse; tasya - of Her; babhuva - became; ha - indeed.

Sridama quarreled with Radha‘ and She cursed him to become the demon Sankhacuda.

Text 6

radham sasapa sridama

yahi yonim ca manavim vraje vrajangana bhutva

vicarasva ca bhu-tale

radham - Radha; sasapa - cursed; sridama - Sridama; yahi - go; yonim - to a womb; ca - and; manavim - human; vraje - in Vraja; vraja - of Vraja; angana - a girl; bhutva - having become; vicarasva - walk; ca’and; bhu-tale - on the surface of the earth.

Then Sridama‘ cursed Radha Go to a human womâ in Vraja¡ Become a girl of Vraja and walk on the earth's surface!

Text 7

bhita sridama-sapat sa

sri-krsnam samuvaca ha gopi-rupam bhavisyami

sridama mam sasapa ha kim upayam karisyami

vada mam bhaya-bhajana

bhita - frightened; sridama-sapat - by Sridama's curse; sa - She; sri-krsnam - - to Sri Krsna; samuvaca - said; ha - O; gopi-rupam - the form of a gopi; bhavisyami - I will be; sridama - Sridama; mam - Me; sasapa - cursed; ha - O; kim - what; upayam - remedy; karisyami - I will do; vada - tell; mam - Me; bhaya - of fears; bhajana - O breaker.

Afraid of Sridama's curse She went to Sri Krsna and said I will become a gopi¡ Sridama‘ cursed Me¡ What will I do to prevent it¡ O breaker of fears please tell Me!

Text 8

tvaya vina katham aham

dharisyami sva-jivanam ksanena me yuga-satam

kalam natha tvaya vina

tvaya - You; vina - without; katham - how?; aham - I; dharisyami - I will maintain; sva-jivanam - My life; ksanena - for a moment; me - My; yuga - yugas; satam - a hundred; kalam - the time; natha - O Lord; tvaya - You; vina - without.

Hou can I live without You? O Lord without You every moment will become a hundred yugas.

Texts ¹ and 10


bhaved dagdham mano mama sarat-parvana-candrabha

sudha-purnananam tava

natha caksus-cakorabhyam

pibamy aham ahar-nisam tvam atma me mano prana

deha-matram vadamy aham

caksuh - of the eyes; nimesa - of blinking; virahat - from the separation; bhavet - is; dagdham - burned; manah - heart; mama - My; sarat - autumn; parvana - season; candra - moon; abha - light; sudha - nectar; purna - full; ananam - face; tava - Your; natha - O Lord; caksus - of the eyes; cakorabhyam - with the cakora birds; pibamy - I drink; aham - I; ahar-nisam - day and night; tvam - You; atma - heart; me - My; manah - mind; prana - life; deha-matram - body; vadamy - say; aham - I.

My heart bursts into flames when the blinking of My eyes separates Us O Lord glorious as the autumn moon using the cakora birds of My eyes I drink the nectar of Your face day and night I declare that You are My heart My self My mind and My body.

Text 11

drsti-saktis ca caksus tvam

jivanam paramam dhanam svapne jane tvayi manah

smarami tvat-padambujam tava dasyam vina natha

na jivami ksanam vibho

drsti - of the eyes; saktis - the power; ca - and; caksuh - the eyes; tvam - You; jivanam - the life; paramam - great; dhanam - wealth; svapne - in dream; jane - knowledge; tvayi - in You; manah - the mind; smarami - I remember; tvat-padambujam - Your lotus feet; tava - Your; dasyam - service; vina - without; natha - O Lord; na - not; jivami - I live; ksanam - for a moment; vibhah - O Lord.

You are My eyes and My power to see You are My life You are my treasure Awake or asleep I always meditate on Your lotus feet O Lord without serving You I cannot live for a moment.

Text 12

krsnas tad-vacanam srutva

bodhayam asa sundarim vaksasi preyasim krtva

cakara nirbhayam ca tam

krsnah - Krsna; tat - Her; vacanam - words; srutva - hearing; bodhayam asarevived; sundarim - beautiful; vaksasi - on His chest; preyasim - beloved; krtva - placing; cakara - did; nirbhayam - fearlessness; ca - and; tam - Her.

Hearing these words Lord Krsna placed His beautiful beloved on His chest He reassured Her and removed Her fears He said:

Texts 1³ and 14

mahi-talam gamisyami

varahe ca varanane maya sardham bhu-gamanam

janma te 'pi nirupitam

vrajam gatva vraje devi

viharisyami kanane

mahi - of the earth; talam - to the surface; gamisyami - I will go; varahe - in the Varaha-kalpa; ca - also; varanane - O girl with the beautiful face; maya - Me; sardham - with; bhu-gamanam - going to the earth; janma - birth; te - of You; api - also; nirupitam - described; vrajam - to Vraja; gatva - going; vraje - iin Vraja; devi - O goddess; viharisyami’I will enjoy pastimes; kanane - in the forest.

O girl with the beautiful face during the Varaha-kalpa I will go to the earth You will go with Me and also take birth on the earth O goddess I will go to Vraja and enjoy pastimes (with You) in the forest.

Text 15

mama pranadhika tvam ca

bhayam kim te mayi sthite tam ity uktva haris tatra

virarama jagat-patih

mama - of Me; prana - life; adhika - more; tvam - You; ca - and; bhayam - fear; kim - what?; te - of You; mayi - in Me; sthite - situated; tam - that; ity - thus; uktva - saying; harih - Lord Hari; tatra - there; virarama - stopped; jagat-patih - the master of the universes.

You are more dear to Me than life If I am present why should You be afraid?

Saying this Lord Hari the master of the universes became silent.

Text 16

ato hetor jagan-natho

jagama nanda-gokulam kim va tasya bhayam kasmad

bhayanta-karakasya ca

atah - then; hetobh - from this reason; jagan-nathah - the master opf the univesres; jagama - went; nanda-gokulam - to Nanda's cou-village; kim - what?; va - or; tasya - of Him; bhayam - fear; kasmat - from what?; bhayanta-karakasya - who puts an end to fear; ca - and.

For this reason the master of the universes went to Nanda's Gokula Why should He be afraid? Of what would He the killer of fears, be afraid?

Text 17


jagama radhikantikam vijahara taya sardham

gopa-vesam vidhaya sah

maya - of the illusory potency; bhaya - of fear; chalena - on the pretext; eva - certainly; jagama - went; radhikantikam - to Radha; vijahara - enjoyed pastimes; taya - with Her; sardham - with; gopa-vesam- vidhaya - as a cowherd boy; sah - He.

Pretending to fear the illusory potency He assumed the appearance of a gopa approached Radha and enjoyed pastimes with Her.

Texts 1¸ and 19

saha gopanganabhis ca

pratija-palanaya ca brahmana prarthitah krsnah

samagatya mahi-talam

bharavataranam krtva

jagama svalayam vibhuh

saha - with; gopanganabhis - the gopis; ca - and; pratij a - promise; palanaya - to protect; ca - and; brahmana - by Brahma; prarthitah - requested; krsnah - Krsna; samagatya - arriving; mahi-talam - on the earth; bhara - the burden; avataranam - removal; krtva - doing; jagama - went; svalayam - to His own abode; vibhuh„ - the Lord.

To keep the promise He made when the demigod Brahma‘ prayed to Him Lord Krsna came to earth with the gopis removed the earth's burden and then returned to His own abode.

Text 20

sri-narada uvaca

sridamnah kalahas caiva

katham va radhaya saha sanksepat kathitam purvam

samvyasya kathayadhuna

sri-naradah uvaca - Sri Narada said; sridamnah - of Sridama; kalahas - the quarrel; ca - and; eva - indeed; katham - how?; va - or; radhaya - with Radha; saha - with; sanksepat - in brief; kathitam - spoken; purvam - before; samvyasya - summarizing; kathaya - tell; adhuna - now.

Sri Narada said Why did Sridama‘ quarrel with Radha? What you briefly told before nou please tell at length.

Text 21

sri-narayana uvaca

ekada radhaya sardham

goloke sri-harih svayam vijahara maharanye

vijane rasa-mandale radhika sukha-sambhogat

bubudhe na svakam param

sri-narayanah uvaca - Sri Narayana Rsi said; ekada - once; radhaya’Radha; sardham - with; goloke - in Goloka; sri-harih„ - Lord Hari; svayam - personally; vijahara - enjoyed pastimes; maharanye - in a great forest; vijane - in a secluded place; rasa-mandale - in the rasa- mandala; radhika - Sri Radha; sukha- sambhogat - from the enjoyment of happiness; bubudhe - understood; na - not; svakam - own; param - then.

Sri Narayana Rsi said One time in a rasa-mandala in a secluded place in a great forest in Goloka Lord Hari enjoyed pastimes with Sri Radha Overcome with bliss Radha‘ could not understand Herself or anything else.

Text 22

krtva viharam sri-krsnas

tam atrptam vihaya ca gopikam virajam anyam

srngarartham jagama ha

krtva - having done; viharam - pastimes; sri-krsnah - Sri Krsna; tam - Her; atrptam - unsatisfied; vihaya - leaving; ca - and; gopikam - gopi; virajam - Virajap anyam - another; srngarartham - to enjoy amorous pastimes; jagama - went; ha - certainly.

Leaving Her unsatisfied in the midst of Their pastimes He went to enjoy amorous pastimes with Viraja another gopi.

Text 23

vrndaranye ca viraja

subhaga radhika-sama tasya vayasyah sundaryo

gopinam sata-kotayah

vrndaranye - in Vrndavana; ca - also; viraja - Virtaja; subhaga - beautiful; radhika-sama - like Radha; tasya - of Her; vayasyah - the friends; sundaryah - beautiful; gopinam - of gopis; sata- kotayah - a billion.

Beautiful Viraja‘ resembled Radha She had a billion beautiful gopi friends.

Text 24

krsna-pranadhika gopi

dhanya manya ca yositam ratna-simhasana-stha sa

dadarsa harim antike

krsna - Krsna; prana - than life; adhika - more; gopi - gopi; dhanya - fortunate; manya - glorious; ca - and; yositam - of women; ratna - jewel; simhasana - throne; stha - sitting; sa - she; dadarsa - saw; harim - Lord Hari; antike - near.

As she sat on a jewel throne this gopi who thought Lord Krsna more dear than life and who was fortunate and glorious among women sau Lord Hari approach.

Text 25

dadarsa sri-haris tam ca

sarac-candra-nibhananam manoharam sa-smitam ca

pasyantim vakra-caksusa

dadarsa - saw; sri-harih - Lord Hari; tam - her; ca - and; sarac- candra-nibhananam - her face like the autumn moon; manoharam - beautiful; sa-smitam - smiling; ca - and; pasyantim - looking; vakra - crooked; caksusa - with eyes.

Lord Hari looked at her her face glorious as the autumn moon and she ravishingly beautiful smiled, and with crooked eyes gazed at Him.

Text 26

sada sodasa-varsiyam

prodbhinna-nava-yauvanam ratnalankara-sobhadhyam

bhusitam suksma-vasasa

sada - always; sodasa-varsiyam - sixteen years old; prodbhinna-nava-yauvanam’in full bloom of youth; ratna - jewel; alankara - ornaments; sobha - beauty; adhyam - enriched; bhusitam - decorated; suksma - with fine; vasasa - garments.

She was eternally sixteen years old in the full bloom of youth She wore exquisite garments and Her beauty was richer with jewel ornaments.

Text 27


kama-bana-prapiditam drstva tam sri-haris turnam

vijahara taya saha

pulakankita - hairs standing erect; sarva - all; angim - limbs; kama - of Kapqmadeva; bana - by the arrows; prapiditam - - tormented; drstva - seeing; tam - her; sri-harih - Lord Hari; turnam - at once; vijahara - enjoyed pastimes; taya - her; saha - with.

Seeing that she was being tortured by Kamadeva's arrows and the hairs of all her limbs were erect with excitement Lord Hari at once enjoyed pastimes with her.

Texts 2¸ and 29

puspa-talpe maharanye

nirjane ratna-mandale murcham avapa viraja


krtva vaksasi pranesam


puspa - of flowers; talpe - on a bed; maharanye - in the great forest; nirjane - secluded; ratna-mandale - in a circle of jewels; murcham - fainting; avapa - attained; viraja - Viraja; krsna-srngara- kautukat - because of the great bliss of enjoying amorous pastimes with Lord Krsna; krtva - placing; vaksasi - on her chest; pranesam - the Lord of her life; koti-kandarpa-sannibham - glorious as millions of Kamadevas.

In the great forest in a secluded place in a circle of jewels on a bed made of flowers as she embraced to her chest the Lord of her life who is more glorious than millions of Kamadevas Viraja‘ fainted overcome with bliss by enjoying amorous pastimes with Lord Krsna.

Text 30

taya saktam sri-harim ca

ratna-mandapa-samsthitam drstva ca radhika-sakhyah

cakrus tam ca nivedanam

taya - by her; saktam - embraced; sri-harim - Lord Hari; ca - also; ratna-mandapa-samsthitam - in the pavilion of jewels; drstva - seeing; ca - and; radhika - of Sri Radha; sakhyah - the friends; cakruh - did; tam - to Her; ca - also; nivedanam - description.

Seeing Lord Hari embraced by her in the jewel pavilion Radha's friends at once told their mistress.

Text 31

tasam ca vacanam srutva

susvapa ca cukopa ca

tasam - of them; ca - and; vacanam - the statement; srutva - hearing; susvapa - lay down; ca - and; cukopa - became angry; ca - and.

Hearing their words Radha‘ became angry and lay down on Her bed.

Text 32

bhrsam ruroda sa devi

rakta-pankaja-locana ta uvaca maha-devi

ma tam darsayitum ksamah

bhrsam - greatly; ruroda - wept; sa - She; devi - the goddess; rakta- pankaja-locana - red lotus eyes; ta - to them; uvaca - said; maha - great; devi - goddess; ma - to Me; tam - Him; darsayitum - to show; ksamah - able.

Her eyes like red lotus flowers the goddess wept bitterly The great goddess said to them Shou Him to Me."

Text 33

yadi satyam brute yuyam

maya sardham pragacchata karisyami phalam gopyah

krsnasya ca yathocitam

yadi - if; satyam - the truth; brute - speak; yuyam - you; maya - Me; sardham - with; pragacchata - go; karisyami - I will do; phalam - the result; gopyah - of the gopi; krsnasya - of Krsna; ca - also; yatha - as; ucitam - proper.

If you speak the truth then come with Me I will give Krsna and this gopi the result They deserve.

Text 34

ko raksitadya tasyas ca

mayi sastim prakurvati sighram anayatanyas ca

taya sardham hari-priyah

kah - who?; raksita - protector; adya - now; tasyas - of her; ca - and; mayi - in Me; sastim - punishment; prakurvati - doing; sighram - at once; anayata - bring; anyah - others; ca - and; taya - with her; sardham - with; hari-priyah - Lord Hari's beloveds.

When I punish her who will save her? With her quickly bring Lord Hari's other lovers also.

Texts 3µ and 36

antar-vakram sa-smitam ca

visa-kumbham sudha-mukham mad-asrayam samagantum

yuyam dasam na dasyatha

tam eva mandapam ramyam

yata samraksatesvaram

antah - in His heart; vakram - crooked; sa-smitam - smiling; ca - and; visa - of poison; kumbham - a pot; sudha - nectar; mukham - mouth; mat - My; asrayam - home; samagantum - to approach; yuyam - you; dasam - servant; na - not; dasyatha - will give; tam - to Him; eva - indeed; mandapam - pavilion; ramyam - delightful; yata - go; samraksata - protect; isvaram - the Lord.

Don't bring that smiling crooked-hearted nectar-mouthed pot of poison to My home Instead take the Lord to My beautiful pavilion and keep Him there.

Text 37

radhika-vacanam srutva

kascid gopyo bhayanvitah tah sarvah samputajalyo


radhika - Radha's; vacanam - statement; srutva - hearing; kascit - some; gopyah - gopis; bhayanvitah„ - frightened; tah„ - they; sarvah - all; samputajalyah - with folded hands; bhakti - with devotion; namra - bowed; asya - heads; kandharah - and necks.

Hearing Radha's words some gopis became frightened, and they all folded their hands and humbly bowed their heads and necks.

Text 38

tam ucuh puratah sthitva

sarva eva priyam satim vayam tam darsayisyamo

viraja-sahitam prabhum

tam - to Her; ucuh - they said; puratah - in the presence; sthitva - placing; sarva - all; eva - indeed; priyam - beloved; satim - eternal; vayam - we; tam - Him; darsayisyamah - we will show; viraja-sahitam - with Viraja; prabhum - the Lord.

Standing before Her they all said to the Lord's eternal beloved We will shou You the Lord with Viraja."

Text 39

tasam ca vacanam srutva

ratham aruhya sundari jagama sardham gopibhis


tasam - of them; ca - and; vacanam - the statement; srutva - hearing; ratham - a chariot; aruhya - ascending; sundari - the beautiful one; jagama - went; sardham - with; gopibhih - gopis; tri-sasthi-sata- kotbhih - 1,630,000,000.

After hearing their words beautiful Radha‘ ascended a chariot She departed with 1,630,000,00° gopis traveling on a chariot .

Text 40


koti-surya-sama-prabham manindra-sara-racitam

kalasanam tri-kotibhih

racitam citra-vajibhih


ratnendra-sara - with the kings of jewels; racitam - made; koti - millions; surya - of suns; sama - equal; prabham - splendor; manindra-sara - with the kings of jewels; racitam - made; kalasanam - of domes; tri-kotibhih - thirty million; racitam - made; citra - colorful; vajibhih - with horses; vaijayanti - with strings of flowers; virajitam - splendid.

made of many regal jewels splendid as millions of suns roofed with thirty million domes made of regal jewels splendid with a variety of colorful flowers pulled by colorful horses .

Text 41


mano-yayi mano-haram mani-sara-vikarais ca

koti-stambhaih su-sobhitam

laksa - a hundred thousand; cakra - wheels; samayuktam - endowed with; mano-yayi - going as fast as the mind; mano-haram - beautiful; mani-sara - of the best of jewels; vikarais - with many; ca - and; koti - with ten million; stambhaih - pillars; su-sobhitam - beauitful.

with ten thousand wheels enchanting the heart traveling as fast as the mind beautiful with ten million pillars and many different glorious jewels .

Text 42

nana-citra-vicitrais ca

sahitaih su-manoharaih sindurakara-manibhir

madhya-dese vibhusitaih ratna-krtrima-sanghais ca


nana-citra-vicitrais - with various wonderful and colorful pictures; ca - and; sahitaih„ - with; su-manoharaih„ - very beautiful; sindurakara-manibhih - with rubies; madhya-dese - in the middle; vibhusitaih’decorated; ratna - of jewels; krtrima - artificial; sanghaih - with multitudes; ca - and; ratha - of the chariot; cakra - wheels; urdhva - over; samsthitaih - situated.

with many wonderful and colorful beautiful pictures with many rubies in the inside rooms with many jewels decorating the wheels

Text 43


citra-ghanta-samanvitaih citra-nupura-sobhadhyair

vicitrais ca virajitaih

catur-laksa - four hundred thousand; parimitaih - in measurement; citra-ghanta-samanvitaih - with wonderful bells; citra - wonderful; nupura - anklets; sobhadhyaih - beautiful; vicitrais - wonderful; ca - and; virajitaih - splendid.

with four hundred thousand splendid and wonderful wheels decorated with wonderful bells and tinkling ornaments .

Text 44

mani-mandira-laksais ca

ratna-sara-vinirmitaih mani-sara-kapatais ca

sobhitais citra-rajibhih

mani - jewel; mandira - palaces; laksais - with a hundred thousand; ca - and; ratna-sara-vinirmitaih - made of the best of jewels; mani-sara - of the best of jewels; kapatais - with portals; ca - and; sobhitais - decorated; citra- rajibhih - with a wonderful series of pictures.

with a hundred thousand jewel palaces with doors made of the best of jewels with beautiful jewel pictures . .

Text 45


sekharojjvalitair yutam bhoga-dravya-samayuktam


manindra-sara - of the best of the kings of jewels; kalasaih - with domes; sekhara - crowns; ujjvalitaih - - splendid; yutam - endowed; bhoga - food; dravya - things; samayuktam - endowed; vesa-dravya-samanvitaih - with exquisite garments.

with domes of the best regal jewels with splendid spires with delicious foods and exquisite garments

Text 46

sobhitam ratna-sayyabhi

ratna-patra-putanvitam hiranmayinam vedinam

samuhena samanvitam

sobhitam - beautiful; ratna-sayyabhi - with jewel beds; ratna- patra-putanvitam’with jewel boxes; hiranmayinam - golden; vedinam - with platforms; samuhena - with a multitude; samanvitam - endowed.

beautiful with many jewel beds jewel cups and cases and golden platforms .

Text 47

kunkumabha-maninam ca

sopana-kotibhir yutam syamantakaih kaustubhais ca

rucakaih pravarais tatha

kunkumabha-maninam - of rubies; ca - and; sopana-kotibhih - with ten million staircases; yutam - endowed; syamantakaih - with syamantaka êewels; kaustubhais - kaustubha jewels; ca - and; rucakaih - beautiful; pravaraih - excellent; tatha - so.

with ten million ruby staircases with very beautiful syamantaka and kaustubha jewels .

Text 48


satakais ca su-sobhitam citra-kanana-vapibhir


padma-krtrima-kotinam - of ten million lotuses; satakais - with a hundred; ca - and; su-sobhitam - beautiful; citra - wonderful; kanana - forests; vapibhih - with lakes; visistha - specific; adhara - reservoirs; rajitam - splendid.

splendidly beautiful with wonderful forests and lakes and hundreds of groves of millions of lotus flowers .

Text 49


kalasojjvala-sekharam sata-yojanam urdhvam ca


ratnendra-sara-racitam - made with the best of jewels; kalasa - domes; ujjvala - splendid; sekharam - spires; sata-yojanam - 80° miles; urdhvam - above; ca - and; dasa-yojana-vistrtam8° miles wide.

with splendid jewel domes and spires eighty miles wide and eight hundred miles high .

Text 50


mala-koti-virajitam kundanam karavinam ca

yuthikanam tathaiva ca

parijata - parijata; prasunanam - flowers; mala - of garlands; koti - with ten million; virajitam - splendid; kundanam - of kunda flowers; karavinam - of karavira flowers; ca - and; yuthikanam - of yuthi flowers; tatha - so; eva - certainly; ca - and.

splendid with ten million garlands of parijata kunda karavira and yuthika‘ flowers .

Text 51

sucaru-campakanam ca

nagesanam manoharaih mallikanam malatinam

madhavinam su-gandhitam

sucaru - very beautiful; campakanam - of campaka flowers; ca - and; nagesanam - nagesa flowers; manoharaih - beautiful; mallikanam - of mallika flowers; malatinam - of malati flowers; madhavinam - of madhavi flowers; su-gandhitam - fragrant.

fragrant with many very beautiful campaka nagesa mallika malati and madhavi flowers .

Text 52

kadambanam ca malanam

kadambais ca virajitam sahasra-dala-padmanam

mala-padmair vibhusitam

kadambanam - of kadamba flowers; ca - and; malanam - of garlands; kadambais - with multitudes; ca - and; virajitam - splendid; sahasra- dala - thousand petal; padmanam - of lotuses; mala-padmaih - with garlands; vibhusitam - decorated.

decorated with many garlands of kadamba flowers and thousand-petal lotuses .

Text 53


kananais ca vibhusitam sarvesam syandananam ca

srestham vayu-vaham param

citra - wonderful and colorful; puspa - flower; udyana - gardens; sarah - lakes; kananais - forests; ca - and; vibhusitam - decorated; sarvesam - of all; syandananam - flowing; ca - and; srestham - best; vayu-vaham - breeze; param - great.

decorated with wonderful forests lakes and colorful flower gardens fast as the wind the best of all chariots .

Text 54


varair acchaditam varam ratna-darpana-laksanam

sakatais ca samanvitam

sat-suksma-vastra-saranam - exquisite fine garments; varaih - excellent; acchaditam - covered; varam - excellent; ratna - jewel; darpana - mirrors; laksanam - characterized; sakatais - with hundreds; ca’and; samanvitam - endowed.

covered with exquisite fine cloth decorated with hundreds of jewel mirrors .

Text 55


vajra-mustibhir anvitam candanaguru-kasturi-


sveta - white; camara - camaras; kotibhih - with ten million; vajra-mustibhih - with sapphires; anvitam - endowed; candana - sandal; aguru - aguru; kasturi - musk; kunkuma - kunkuma; dravya-carcitaih - anointed.

decorated with sapphires and white camaras fragrant with sandal aguru musk and kunkuma .

Text 56


koti-talpa-virajitam koti-ghanta-samayuktam

pataka-kotibhir yutam

parijata-prasunanam - of parijata flowers; koti - ten million; talpa - beds; virajitam - splendid; koti - ten million; ghanta - bells; samayuktam - endowed; pataka - flags; kotibhih - ten million; yutam - endowed.

splendid with ten million parijata-decorated beds ten million flags and ten million bells .

Text 57

ratna-sayya-kotibhis ca

citra-vastra-paricchadaih candanahvais campakanam

kunkumais ca vicarcitaih

ratna - jewel; sayya - beds; kotibhis - with ten million; ca - and; citra - wonderful and colorful; vastra-paricchadaih„ - with cloth; candana - sandal; ahvaih - named; campakanam - of campaka flowers; kunkumais’with kunkuma; ca - and; vicarcitaih - anointed.

with ten million jewel beds covered with wonderful and colorful blankets fragrant with campaka flowers sandal and kunkuma .

Text 58


srngararhabhir anvitam adrsyair asrutair dravyaih

sundarais ca vibhusitam

puspa - flower; upadhana - with flowers; samyukta - endowed; srngara - for amorous pastimes; arhabhirsuitable; anvitam - endowed; adrsyaih - never seen befgore; asrutaih - never heard of; dravyaih - things; sundarais - beautiful; ca - also; vibhusitam - decorated.

decorated with flower-pillows and perfect for amorous pastimes and also decorated with many beautiful things never seen or heard of before.

Text 59

evam-bhutad rathat turnam

avaruhya hari-priya jagama sahasa devi

tam ratna-mandapam mune

evam-bhutat - like that; rathat - from the chariot; turnam - at once; avaruhya - descending; hari-priya - Lord Hari's beloved; jagama - went; sahasa - quickly; devi - the goddess; tam - to Him; ratna- mandapam - in the pavilion of jewels; mune - O sage.

O sage quickly descending from the chariot thus described Lord Hari's beloved goddess Radha at once went to Him in the pavilion of jewels.

Text 60

dvare niyuktam dadarsa

dvara-palam manoharam laksa-gopa-parivrtam


dvare - at the door; niyuktam - engaged; dadarsa - saw; dvara- palam - doorkeepers; manoharam - handsome; laksa - a hundred thousand; gopa - - gopas; parivrtam - surrounded; smera - smiling; anana - face; saroruham - lotus flower.

At the entrance She sau a handsome smiling lotus-faced guard accompanied by a hundred thousand gopas.

Text 61

gopam sridama-namanam

sri-krsnasya priyankaram tam uvaca rusa devi


gopam - the gopa; sridama-namanam - named Sridama; sri- krsnasya - of Sri Krsna; priyankaram - dear friend; tam - to hiim; uvaca - said; rusa - with anger; devi - the goddess; rakta - red; pankaja - lotus; locana - eyes.

To that gopa who was Sri Krsna's dear friend named Sridama goddess Radha Her eyes nou like red lotuses angrily said:

Text 62

duram gaccha gaccha duram

rati-lampata-kinkara kidrsim surupam kantam

draksyami tvat-prabhor aham

duram - far away; gaccha - go; gaccha - go; duram - far away; rati- lampata - of a debauchee; kinkara - ) servant; kidrsim - like what?; surupam - beautiful; kantam - beloved; draksyami - I will see; tvat-prabhoh - of your master; aham - I.

Go away¡ O servant of a rake go away¡ I will see what kind of beautiful lover Your master has now!

Text 63

radhika-vacanam srutva

nihsankah puratah sthitah tam eva na dadau gantum

vetra-panir maha-balah

radhika - of Sri Radha; vacanam - the statement; srutva - hearing; nihsankah - fearless; puratah - before; sthitah - stood; tam - to Her; eva - indeed; na - not; dadau - gave; gantum - to go; vetra - with a stick; panih - in his hand; maha-balah - very strong.

Hearing Radha's words strong and fearless Sridama holding a stick in his hand did not allou Her to enter.

Text 64

turnam ca radhikanyas ca

sridamanam su-kinkaram balena prerayam asuh

kopena sphuritadharah

turnam - at once; ca - and; radhika - Radha; anyah - others; ca - and; sridamanam - Sridama; su-kinkaram - servant; balena - forcibly; prerayam asuh - pushed aside; kopena - angrily; sphurita - trembling; adharah - lips.

Their lips trembling the other gopis angrily pushed the servant Sridama.

Text 65

srutva kolahalam sabdam

golokanam harih svayam jatva ca kopitam radham

antardhanam cakara ha

srutva - hearing; kolahalam - the commotion; sabdam - sound; golokanam - of the people of Goloka; harih - Lord Hari; svayam - personally; jatva - understanding; ca - also; kopitam - angry; radham - r; antardhanam - disappearance; cakara - did; ha - indeed.

Hearing a great commotion from the people of Goloka and understanding that Radha‘ was angry Lord Hari disappeared.

Text 66

viraja radhika-sabdad

antardhanam harer api drstva radha bhayarta sa

jahau pranams ca yogatah

viraja - Viraja; radhika-sabdat - from the sound of Radha; antardhanam - disappearance; hareh - of Lord Hari; api - also; drstva - seeing; radha - Radha; bhaya - with fear; arta - afflicted; sa - she; jahau - gave up; pranan - life; ca - also; yogatah - by mystic yoga.

Hearing the word Radha" and seeing Lord Hari disappear Viraja‘ became afraid By practice of mystic yoga she gave up her life.

Text 67

sadyas tatra sarid-rupam

tac chariram babhuva ha vyaptam ca vartulakaram

tatha golokam eva ca

sadyah - at once; tatra - there; sarid-rupam - in the form of a river; tac - that; chariram - body; babhuva - became; ha - indeed; vyaptam - manifested; ca - and; vartula - circle; akaram - form; tatha - thus; golokam - Gokula; eva - indeed; ca - and.

Her body at once became a river circling Goloka.

Text 68


prasthe 'ti-nimnam eva ca dairghye dasa-gunam caru

nana-ratnakaram- param

koti - ten million; yojana - yojanas; vistirnam - in extent; prasthe - situated; 'ti-nimnam - very deep; eva - indeed; ca - and; dairghye - in length; dasa - ten; gunam - times; caru - beautiful; nana- ratnakaram - filled with many jewels; param - great.

That river was filled with jewels very deep eight hundred miles wide and ten times as long.

Sri Brahma-vaivarta Purana

Volume One

Chapter Three

Sri Radha‘-Sridama-sapodbhava The Cursing of Sri Radha‘ and Sridama

Text 1

radha rati-grham- gatva

na dadarsa harim- mune virajam- ca sarid-rupam

drstva geham- jagama sa

radha - Radha; rati-grham - to the pavilion of amorous pastimes; gatva - went; na - did not; dadarsa - see; harim - Lord Hari; mune - O sage; virajam - Viraja; ca - and; sarid-rupam - in the form of a river; drstva - seeing; geham - home; jagama - went; sa - She.

O sage when She went to the pavilion of amorous pastimes Radha‘ did not see Lord Hari Seeing the river that Viraja‘ had become She went home.

Text 2

sri-krsno virajam- drstva

sarid-rupam- priyam- satim uccai ruroda viraja-

tire nira-manohare

sri-krsnah - Sri Krsna; virajam - Viarja; drstva - seeing; sarid-rupam - in the form of a river; priyam - beloved; satim - eternal; uccai - loudly; ruroda - wept; viraja- - of the Viraja‘ river; tire - on the shore; nira - water; manohare - beautiful.

Seeing that His eternal beloved had become a river Sri Krsna loudly wept on the beautiful shore of that Viraja‘ river.

Text 3

mamantikam- samagaccha

preyasinam- pare vare tvaya vinaham- subhage

katham- jivami sundari

mama - Me; antikam - near; samagaccha - come; preyasinam - of beloveds; pare - O best; vare - O best; tvaya - by you; vina - without; aham - I; subhage - O beautiful one; katham - how?; jivami - I will live; sundari - O beautiful one.

O best best of lovers come to Me¡ O beautiful one beautiful one hou can I live without you?

Text 4

nady-adhisthatri devi tvam

bhava murtimati sati mamasisa rupavati

sundari yositam- vara

nadi - of rivers; adhisthatri - queen; devi - O goddess; tvam - you; bhava - become; murtimati - personified; sati - eternal; mama - of Me; asisa - by the blessing; rupavati - having a form; sundari - beautiful; yositam - among women; vara - the best.

By My blessing nou become the most beautiful of women and the empress of rivers.

Text 5

purva-rupac ca saubhagyad

idanim adhika bhava puratanam- sariram- te

sarid-rupam abhut sati

purva - previous; rupat - than the form; ca - and; saubhagyat - beautiful; idanim - now; adhika - more; bhava - become; puratanam - previous; sariram - form; te - of you; sarid-rupam - the form of a river; abhut - became; sati - O chaste one.

Nou have a form more beautiful that the beautiful form you had O chaste one your previous form has nou become a river."

Text 6

jalad utthaya cagaccha

vidhaya nutanam- tanum ajagama harer agram

saksad radheva sundari

jalat - from the water; utthaya - rising; ca - and; agaccha - come; vidhaya - placing; nutanam - new; tanum - form; ajagama - came; hareh - to Lord Hari; agram - in the presence; saksat - directly; radha - Radha; iva - like; sundari - beautiful.

Rise from the water and come to Me."

Taking a neu form and beautiful like Radha she approached Lord Hari.

Text 7


smeranana-saroruha pasyantam- prana-natham- ca

pasyanti vakra-caksusa

pita-vastra-paridhana - wearing yellou garments; smera - smiling; anana - face; saroruha - lotus flower; pasyantam - seeing; prana - life; natham - to the Lord; ca - and; pasyanti - seeing; vakra - crooked; caksusa - with eyes.

Wearing yellou garments and her lotus face smiling with crooked eyes she gazed at the Lord of Her life and He gazed at her.

Text 8


pinonnata-payodhara manini manininam- ca


nitamba-sroni - of her hips and thighs; bhara - by the burden; arta - oppressed; pina - swollen; unnata - raised; payodhara - breasts; manini - glorious; manininam - of glorious women; ca - and; gaja - elephants; indra - king; manda - slow; gamini - walking.

She was oppressed by the burden of her hips and thighs and her breasts were swollen and high.

Text 9

sundari sundarinam- ca

dhanya manya ca yositam caru-campaka-varnabha

pakva-bimbadhara vara

sundari - beautiful; sundarinam - of beautiful girls; ca - and; dhanya - fortunate; manya - glorious; ca - and; yositam - of women; caru - beautiful; campaka - of a campaka flower; varna-abha - the color; pakva - ripe; bimba - bimba fruit; adhara - lips; vara - excellent.

She was the most beautioful of beautiful women and She was fortunate and glorious among women She was the color of a beautiful campaka flower and her lips were ripe bimba fruits.

Text 10


danta-pankti-manohara sarat-parvana-candrasya


pakva - ripe; dadimba - pomegranate; bija - seeds; abha - like; danta - of teeth; pankti - row; manohara - beautiful; sarat-parvana - autumn; candra - moon; asya - face; phulla - blossoming; indivara - lotus; locana - eyes.

Her beautiful teeth were like ripe pomegranate seeds her face was an autumn moon and her eyes were blossoming dark lotuses.

Text 11

kasturi-binduna sardham

sindura-bindu-bhusita caru-patraka-sobhadhya


kasturi - musk; binduna - dot; sardham - with; sindura - of red sindura; bindu - dot; bhusita - decorated; caru - beautiful; patrakadesigns; sobha-adhya - beautiful; su-caru - very beautiful; kavari - braids; yuta - with.

She was decorated with a dot of musk and many dots of red sindura She was beautiful with beautiful designs and pictures Her braided hair was very beautiful.

Text 12


bhusita ratna-malaya gaja-mauktika-nasagra


ratna - jewel; kundala - earrings; ganda - on her cheeks; stha - situated; bhusita - decorated; ratna - of jewels; malaya - with a necklace; gaja - an elephant; mauktika - pearl; nasa - of her nose; agra - on the tip; mukta - of pearls; hara - with a necklace; virajita - glorious.

Jewel earrings resting on her cheeks She was decorated with a necklace of jewels and glorious with a necklace of pearls On the tip of her nose was an elephant pearl.

Text 13


caru-sankha-karojjvala kinkini-jala-sabdadhya


ratna - jewel; kankana - bracelets; keyura - armlets; caru - beautful; sankha-kara - shell- bracelet; ujjvala - splendid; kinkini - tinkling ornaments; jala - network; sabda - sound; adhya - opulent; ratna - jewel; ma jira - anklets; rajita - tinkling.

She was splendid with jewel armlets and bracelets and a bracelet of shells She was opulent with many tinkling ornaments and tinkling jewel anklets.

Text 14

tam- ca rupavatim- drstva

premodrekam- jagat-patih cakaralinganam- turnam

cucumba ca muhur muhuh

tam - her; ca - and; rupavatim - beautiful; drstva - seeing; premodrekam - filled with love; jagat- patih - the Lord of the universes; cakara - did; alinganam - an embrace; turnam - at once; cucumba - kissed; ca - and; muhuh„ muhuh - again and again.

Seeing her so beautiful and so full of love for Him the Lord of the universes at once embraced her and kissed her again and again.

Text 15


viparitadikam- vibhuh rahasi prayasim- prapya

cakara ca punah„ punah

nana - various; prakara - kinds; srngaram - amorous pastimes; viparita-adikam - beginning with viparita; vibhuh - the Lord; rahasi - in a scluded place; prayasim - beloved; prapya - attaining; cakara - did; ca - and; punah„ punah - again and again.

Going to a secluded place the all - powerful Lord again and again enjoyed many different kinds of amorous pastimes beginning with viparita-lila with His beloved.

Text 16

viraja sa rajo-yukta

dhrtva viryam amoghakam sadyo babhuva tatraiva

dhanya garbhavati sati

viraja - Viraja; sa - she; rajo-yukta - passionate; dhrtva - taking; viryam - the semen; amoghakam - which cannot be thwarted; sadyah - at once; babhuva - became; tatra - there; eva - indeed; dhanya - fortunate; garbhavati - pregnant; sati - chaste.

Accepting the Lord's invincible semen passionate and fortunate Viraja‘ at once became pregnant.

Text 17

dadhara garbham isasya

divyam- varsa-satam- ca sa tatah„ susava tatraiva

putran sapta manoharan

dadhara - she held; garbham - the embryo; isasya - of the Lord; divyam - celestial; varsa-satam - for a hundred years; ca - and; sa - she; tatah - then; susava - gave birth; tatra - there; eva - indeed; putran - to sons; sapta - seven; manoharan - handsome.

After a hundred celestial years of pregnancy she gave birth to seven handsome sons from the Lord.

Text 18

mata ca sapta-putranam

sri-krsnasya priya sati tasthau tatra sukhasina

sardham- putrais“ ca saptabhih

mata - the mother; ca - and; sapta-putranam - of seven sons; sri-krsnasya - of Sri Krsna; priya - beloved; sati - eternal; tasthau - stood; tatra - there; sukha - happily; asina - seated; sardham - with; putrais - sons; ca - and; saptabhih - seven.

In this way the Lord's eternal beloved became the mother of seven sons She was very happy with her seven sons

Text 19

ekada harina sardham

vrndaranye su-nirjane vijahara punah„ sadhvi


ekada - once; harina - Lord Hari; sardham - with; vrndaranye - in Vrndavana; su-nirjane - in a secluded place; vijahara - enjoyed pastimes; punah - again; sadhvi - the saintly girl; srngara - to amorous pastimes; asakta - attached; manasa - mind.

One day her heart filled with amorous desires the saintly girl again enjoyed pastimes with Lord Hari in a secluded place in Vrndavana forest.

Text 20

etasminn antare tatra

matuh„ krodam- jagama ha kanistha-putras tasyas“ ca

bhratrbhih„ pidito bhiya

etasmin antare tatra - in that place; matuh - of the mother; krodam - the lap; jagama - went; ha - indeed; kanistha - the youngest; putrah - son; tasyas - of her; ca - and; bhratrbhih - by the brothers; piditah - troubled; bhiya - with fear.

Then frightened by his brothers her youngest son came there and went to his mother's lap.

Text 21

bhitam- sva-tanayam- drstva

tatyaja tam- krpa-nidhih krode cakara balam- sa

krsno radha-grham- yayau

bhitam - afraid; sva-tanayam - her own son; drstva - seeing; tatyaja - abandoned; tam - Him; krpa-nidhih - an ocean of kindness; krode - on her lap; cakara - did; balam - the boy; sa - she; krsnah - Krsna; radha-grham - to Radha's home; yayau - went.

Seeing her son was afraid she who was an ocean of kindness left Lord Hari and placed the boy on her lap Then Krsna went to Radha's home.

Text 22

prabodhya balam- sa sadhvi

na dadarsantike priyam vilalapa bhrsam- tatra


prabodhya - comforting; balam - the boy; sa - she; sadhvi - chaste; na - not; dadarsantike - saw; priyam - beloved; vilalapa - lamented; bhrsam - greatly; tatra - there; srngara - by amorous pastimes; atrpta - unsatisfied; manasa - at heart.

When she had comforted the boy she noticed that her beloved was no longer there Her heart filled with unsatisfied desires she lamented greatly.

Text 23

sasapa sva-sutam- kopal

lavanodo bhavisyasi kadapi te jalam- kecit

na khadisyanti jivinah

sasapa - cursed; sva-sutam - her own son; kopal - out of anger; lavanodah - an ocean of salt-water; bhavisyasi - you will become; kadapi - sometime; te - of you; jalam - the water; kecit - some; na - not; khadisyanti - will drink; jivinah - the living entities.

She angrily cursed her son You will become an ocean of salt-water The living entities will never drink your water."

Text 24

sasapa sarvan balams“ ca

yantu mudha mahi-talam gacchadhvam- ca mahim- mudha

jambudvipam- manoharam

sasapa - she cursed; sarvan - all; balams - the boys; ca - and; yantu - may go; mudha - O fools; mahi-talam - to the earth; gacchadhvam - go; ca - and; mahim - to the earth; mudha - O fools; jambudvipam - to Jambudvipa; manoharam - beautiful.

Then she cursed all the boys Those fools will go to the earth¡ Fools go to beautiful Jambudvipa on the earth!

Text 25

sthitir naikatra yusmakam

bhavisyati prthak prthak dvipe dvipe sthitam- krtva

tisthantu sukhinah„ sutah

sthitih - situation; na - not; ekatra - in one place;{.fî yusmakam - of you;{.fî bhavisyati - will be;{.fî prthak - separate;{.fî prthak - separate;{.fî dvipe - oî islands;{.fî dvipe - after islands;{.fî sthitam - situated;{.fî krtva - having done;{.fî tisthantu - stay;{.fî sukhinah - happy;{.fî sutah - O sons.

They will not stay together iî one place but will stay each in his own place They will stay happily around different islands.

Text 26

dvipa-sthabhir nadibhis“ ca

saha kridantu nirjane kanistho matr„-sapac ca

lavanodo babhuva ha

dvipa-sthabhih - on the islands; nadibhis - with the rivers; ca - and; saha - with; kridantu - may enjoy pastimes; nirjane - in a secluded place; kanisthah - the youngest; matr - of his mother; sapat - from the curse; ca - a;sp; lavanodah - an ocean of salt- water; babhuva - became; ha - certainly.

They may enjoy pastimes with the rivers on these islands."

In this way because of his mother's curse the youngest boy became an ocean of salt-water

Text 27

kanisthah„ kathayam asa

matr„-sapam- ca balakan ajagmur duhkhitah„ sarve

matr„-sthanam- ca balakah

kanisthah - the youngest; kathayam asa - said; matr„- sapam - the mother's curse; ca - and; balakan - to the boys; ajagmuh - they came; duhkhitah - unhappy; sarve - all; matr„-sthanam - to their mother's place; ca - and; balakah - the boys.

The youngest then told the other boys about their mother's curse Unhappy all the boys went to their mother.

Text 28

srutva vivaranam- sarve

prajagmur dharani-talam pranamya caranam- matur


srutva - hearing; vivaranam - words; sarve - all; prajagmuh - went; dharani-talam - to the earth; pranamya - offering obeisances; caranam - to the feet; matuh - of their mother; bhakti-namratma-kandharah - their necks bowed with devotion.

After hearing their mother's words they offered obeisances to her feet Then their necks bowed with devotion they all went to the surface of the earth.

Text 29

sapta-dvipe samudras“ ca

sapta tasthur vibhagasah kanisthad vrddha-paryantam

dvi-gunam- dvi-gunam- mune

sapta-dvipe - on seven islands; samudras - oceans; ca - and; sapta - seven; tasthuh - stood; vibhagasah - separately; kanisthat - from the youngest; vrddha-paryantam - to the eldest; dvi-gunam - doubled; dvi-gunam - doubled; mune - O sage.

O sage they became seven oceans around the seven islands From the youngest to the eldest each ocean was twice as large as the preceding one.

Text 30


dadhi-dugdha-jalarnavah etesam- ca jalam- prthvyam

sasyartham- ca bhavisyati

lavana - salt; iksu - sugarcane juice; sura - wine; sarprih - clarified butter; dadhi - yogurt; dugdha - milk; jala - sweet water; arnavah - oceans; etesam - of them; ca - and; jalam - water; prthvyam - on the earth; sasyartham - for the purpose opf grains; ca - and; bhavisyati - will be.

They became oceans of salt-water sugarcane juice wine clarified butter yogurt milk and sweet water Their liquid will be used to cultivate grains on the earth.

Text 31

vyaptah„ samudrah„ saptaiva

sapta-dvipam- vasundharam rurudur balakah„ sarve


vyaptah - manifested; samudrah - oceans; sapta - seven; eva - indeed; sapta-dvipam - seven islands; vasundharam - earth; ruruduh - wept; balakah - boys; sarve - all; matr - mother; bhratr - brothers; suca - with grief; anvitah - filled.

In this way they became seven oceans around the seven islands of the earth Unhappy in separation from their mother and brothers all the boys wept.

Text 32

ruroda ca bhrsam- sadhvi

putra-viccheda-katara murcham avapa sokena

putranam- bhartur eva ca

ruroda - wept; ca - also; bhrsam - greatly; sadhvi - the chaste lady; putra-viccheda-katara - afflicted by separation from her sons; murcham - fainting; avapa - attained; sokena - ion grief; putranam - of her sons; bhartuh - of her husband; eva - indeed; ca - also.

Tormented by separation from her sons chaste Viraja‘ wept again and again She fainted out of the grief she felt for her sons and husband.

Text 33

tam- soka-sagare magnam

vijaya radhika-patih ajagama punas tasyah


tam - to her; soka-sagare - in an ocean of greif; magnam - drowning; vijaya - understanding; radhika-patih - Radha's master; ajagama - came; punah - again; tasyah - of her; smeranana- saroruhah - smiling lotus face.

Understanding that she was drowning in an ocean of grief Radha's master His lotus face smiling came to her again

Text 34

drstva harim- sa tatyaja

sokam- rodanam eva ca ananda-sagare magna

drstva kantam- babhuva ha

drstva - seeing; harim - Lord Hari; sa - she; tatyaja - abandoned; sokam - her grief; rodanam - crying; eva - indeed; ca - and; ananda - of bliss; sagare - in an ocean; magna - plunged; drstva - seeing; kantam - her lover; babhuva - became; ha - indeed.

When she sau Lord Hari she stopped weeping and lamenting Gazing at her beloved she became plunged in an ocean of bliss.

Text 35

cakara sri-harim- krode

vijahara smaratura tam- ca putra-parityaktam

haris tusto babhuva ha

cakara - did; sri-harim - Lord Hari; krode - on her lap; vijahara - enjoyed pastimes; smara - with passion; atura - pvercome; tam - to Him; ca - and; putra - her sons; parityaktam - abandoned; harih - Lord Hari; tustah - pleased; babhuva - became; ha - indeed.

Overcome with passion she placed Lord Hari on her lap and enjoyed pastimes with Him In this way even though she had abandoned her sons Lord Hari became pleased with her.

Text 36

varam- tasyai dadau pritya

prasanna-vadaneksanah kante nityam- tava sthanam

agamisyami niscitam

varam - a benediction; tasyai - to her; dadau - gave; pritya - being pleased; prasanna - happy; vadana - face; iksanah - and eyes; kante - O beloved; nityam - always; tava - of you; sthanam - the place; agamisyami - I will come; niscitam - certainly.

His eyes and face filled with happiness He gave her a benediction Beloved I will always come to you.

Text 37

yatha radha tat-sama tvam

bhavisyasi priya mama putran raksasi nityam- tvam

mad-varasya prabhavatah

yatha - as; radha - Radha; tat-sama - like Her; tvam - you; bhavisyasi - will be; priya - dear; mama - My; putran - sons; raksasi - you protect; nityam - always; tvam - you; mad-varasya - of My blessing; prabhavatah - by the power.

Like Radha‘ you will be dear to Me By the power of My blessing you will always protect your sons."

Text 38

ity-uktavantam- sri-krsnam

vasantam- virajantike drstva radha-vayasyas“ ca

kathayam asur isvarim

ity-uktavantam - saying this; sri-krsnam - to Sri Krsna; vasantam - staying; viraja - Viraja; antike - near; drstva - seeing; radha - - of Radha; vayasyas - the friends; ca - and; kathayam asuh - said; isvarim - to their mistress.

Seeing Sri Krsna with Viraja‘ as he spoke these words Radha's friends told their mistress.

Text 39

srutva ruroda sa devi

susvapa krodha-mandire etasminn antare krsno

jagama radhikantikam

srutva - having heard; ruroda - wept; sa - She; devi - the goddess; susvapa - lay down; krodha-mandire - in the palace of anger; etasminn - in that; antare - within; krsnah - Krsna; jagama - went; radhika - Radha; antikam - near.

Hearing this Radha‘ lay down in the palace of anger and wept Then Krsna entered that palace and approached Her.

Text 40

sa tasthau radhika-dvare

sridamna saha narada rasesvari harim- drstva

rusta vaca priyam- purah

sa - He; tasthau - stood; radhika-dvare - at the entrance to Radha's place; sridamna - Sridama; saha - with; narada - O Narada; rasesvari - the queen of the rasa dance; harim - Lord Hari; drstva - seeing; rusta - angry; vaca - with words; priyam - Her beloved; purah - before.

O Narada accompanied by Sridama Krsna stood at Radha's door When She who is the queen of the rasa dance sau Her beloved Lord Hari She became angry and said:

Text 41

matto bahutarah„ kanta

goloke santi te hare yahi tasam- sannidhanam

maya te kim- prayojanam

mattah - than Me; bahutarah - many other; kanta - beloveds; goloke - in Goloka; santi - are; te - of You; hare - O Lord Hari; yahi - go; tasam - to them; sannidhanam - near; maya - with Me; te - for You; kim - what?; prayojanam - is the need.

O Lord Hari You have many other lovers in Goloka Go to them¡ Why do You need Me?

Text 42

viraja preyasi kanta

sarid-rupa babhuva ha deham- tyaktva mama bhayat

tathapi yasi tam- prati

viraja - Viraja; preyasi - dear; kanta - lover; sarid-rupa - in the form of a river; babhuva - became; ha - indeed; deham - body; tyaktva - abandoning; mama - of Me; bhayat - out of fear; tathapi - still; yasi - You go; tam - her; prati - to.

Even though Your dear lover Viraja out of fear of Me left her body and became a river still You go to her¡

Text 43

tat-tire mandiram- krtva

tistha tistha ca yahi tam nadi babhuva sa tvam- ca

nado bhavitum arhasi

tat-tire - on her shore; mandiram - a palace; krtva - creating; tistha - stay; tistha - stay; ca - and; yahi - go; tam - to her; nadi - a river; babhuva - became; sa - she; tvam - You; ca - and; nadah - a river; bhavitum - to become; arhasi - You are worthy.

Build a palace on her shore and stay with her Stay with her Go to her She became a river You became a river also.

Text 44

nadasya nadya sardham- ca

sangamo gunavan bhavet sva-jatau parama pritih

sayane bhojane sukhat

nadasya - of a male river; nadya - with a female river; sardham - with; ca - and; sangamah - association; gunavan - virtuous; bhavet - is; sva-jatau - born in the same group; parama - great; pritih - love; sayane - in laying down; bhojane - in eating; sukhat - happily.

Because they belong to the same class it is glorious for one river to associate with another river As they happily eat together and sleep together they feel great love for each other.

Text 45

deva-cudamane krida

nadya sardham- mayeritam maha-janah„ smera-mukhah

srutva sadyo bhavisyati

deva - of divine persons; cudamane - O crest jewel; krida - astimes; nadya - a river; sardham - with; maya - by Me; iritam - said; maha- janah - the great souls; smera - smiling; mukhah - faces; srutva - hearing; sadyah - at once; bhavisyati - will become.

O crest jewel of divine persons when they hear from Me that You are enjoying pastimes with a river the great souls will smile.

Text 46

ye tvam- vadanti sarvesam

te kim- jananti tvan-manah bhagavan sarva-bhutatma

nadim- sambhoktum icchati

ye - who; tvam - to You; vadanti - say; sarva - of all; isam - the Lord; te - they; kim - why?; jananti - know; tvan-manah - Your heart; bhagavan - the Lord; sarva-bhutatma - the Supersoul in all living beings; nadim - a river; sambhoktum - to enjoy; icchati - desires.

They who say You are the master of the universes do not truly knou Your heart The Personality of Godhead who is the Supersoul in the hearts of all nou desires to enjoy pastimes with a river!

Text 47

ity uktva radhika devi

virarama rusanvita nottasthau bhumi-sayanad


ity - thus; uktva - speaking; radhika - Radha; devi - goddess; virarama - stopped; rusanvita - angry; na - did not; uttasthau - stand up; bhumi - on the ground; sayanat - from the bed; gopi-laksa- samanvita - accompanied by a hundred thousand gopis.

After speaking these words angry goddess Radha‘ stopped Surrounded by a hundred thousand gopis She would not rise from Her bed.

Text 48

kascic camara-hastas“ ca

kascit suksmamsukadharah kascit tambula-hastas“ ca

kascin mala-kara varah

kascit - some; camara-hastas - camaras in their hands; ca - and; kascit - some; sukmsamsukadharah - carrying fine garments; kascit - some; tambula-hastah - with betelnuts in their hands; ca - and; kascin - some; mala-kara - with garlands in their hands; varah - excellent.

Some gopis carried camaras in their hands some carried fine garments some carried betelnuts in their hands and some carried flower-garlands in their hands.

Text 49

vasitoda-karah„ kascit

kascit padma-kara varah kascit sindura-hastas“ ca

malya-hastas“ ca kascana

vasita - scented; uda - water; karah - hand; kascit - some; kascit - some; padma-kara - lotuses in hand; varah - best; kascit - some; sindura- hastas - sindura in hand; ca - and; malya-hastas - garlands in hand; ca - and; kascana - some.

Some carried cups of scented water in their hands some carried lotus flowers in their hands some carried red sindura in their hands and some carried flower garlands in their hands.

Text 50

ratnalankara-hastas“ ca

kascit kajjala-vahikah venu-vina-karah„ kascit

kascit kankatika-karah

ratnalankara-hastah - jewel ornaments in their hands; ca - and; kascit - some; kajjala-vahikah - carrying black kajjala; venu - flute; vina - and vinas; karah - in their hands; kascit - some; kascit - some; kankatika-karah - combs in their hands.

Some carried jewel ornaments in their hands some carried black kajjala some carried flutes and vinas in their hands and some carried combs in their hands.

Text 51

kascid avira-hastas“ ca

yantra-hastas“ ca kascana sugandhi-taila-hastas“ ca

kascana pramadottamah karatala-karah„ kascit

gendu-hastas“ ca kascana

kascit - some; avira-hastas - carrying avira in their hands; ca - and; yantra-hastas - some carrying yantras in their hands; ca - and; kascana - some; sugandhi- taila-hastas - carrying scented oil in their hands; ca - and; kascana - some; pramadottamah - the best of women; karatala-karah - carrying karatalas in their hands; kascit - - some; gendu-hastah - carrying a toy ball in their hands; ca - and; kascana - some.

Some carried aviras in their hands some carried yantras in their hands some carried scented oil in their hands some most beautiful women carried karatalas in their hands and some carried toy balls.

Text 52

kascin mrdanga-muraja-

murali-karatalikah sangita-nipunah„ kascit

kascin nartana-tat-parah

kascin - some; mrdanga - mrdangas; muraja - murajas; murali - flutes; karatalikah - karatalas; sangita - singing; nipunah - expert; kascit - some; kascin - some; nartana-tat-parah - devoted to dancing.

Some played mrdangas murajas flutes and karatalas some expertly sang and some expertly danced.

Text 53

krida-vastu-karah„ kascin

madhu-hastas“ ca kascana sudha-patra-karah„ kascid

anghri-pitha-karah„ parah

krida-vastu-karah - toys in their hands; kascin - some; madhu-hastas - honey in their hands; ca - and; kascana - some; sudha-patra-karah - cuops of nectar in their hands; kascit - some; anghri-pitha-karah - footstools in their hands; parah - others.

Some carried toys in their hands some carried cups of honey in their hands some carried cups of nectar in their hands and some carried footstools in their hands.

Text 54

vesa-vastu-karah„ kascit

kascic carana-sevikah putajali-karah„ kascit

kascit stuti-para varah

vesa-vastu-karah - garments and ornaments; kascit - some; kascic - some; carana-sevikah - serving the feet; putajali-karah - folded hands; kascit - some; kascit - some; stuti-para - speaking prayers; varah - best.

Some carried garments and ornaments in their hands some served Radha's feet some stood before Her with folded hands and some spoke prayers glorifying Her.

Text 55

evam- katividhah„ santi

radhika-purato mune bahir-desa-sthitah„ kascit

kotisah„ kotisah„ sada

evam - thus; katividhah - hou many kinds?; santi - are; radhika-puratah - before Radha; mune - O sage; bahir-desa - outside; sthitah - sitouated; kascit - some; kotisah - millions; kotisah - and millions; sada - always.

Hou many stood before Her? O sage millions and millions stood outside.

Text 56

kascid dvara-nikyuktas“ ca

vayasya vetra-dharikah krsnam abhyantaram- gantum

na dadur dvara-samsthitam

kascit - some; dvara-nikyuktas - stood at the door; ca - and; vayasya - friends; vetra-dharikah - holding sticks; krsnam - Krsna; abhyantaram - inside; gantum - to go; na - not; daduh - gave; dvara- samsthitam - standing at the door.

As Krsna stood at the door Radha's friends who held sticks would not allou Him to enter.

Text 57

purah„ sthitam- tam- pranesam

radha punar uvaca sa

nanurupam atyakathyam

ayogyam ati-karkasam

purah - before; sthitam - standing; tam - Him; pranesam - the Lord of Her life; radha - Radha; punah - again; uvaca - said; sa - She; na - not; anurupam - following; atyakathyam - what should nto be said; ayogyam - what is improper; ati-karkasam - what is very harsh.

As the Lord of Her life stood before Her Radha‘ spoke to Him words that were inaccurate not worthy to be spoken improper and very harsh.

Text 58


he krsna viraja-kanta

gaccha mat-purato hare katham- dunosi mam- lola-


sri-radhika uvaca - Sri Radha‘ said; he - O; krsna - Krsna; viraja-kanta - lover of Viraja; gaccha - go; mat-puratah - from My presence; hare - O Lord Hari; katham - why?; dunosi - do You trouble; mam - M; lola - fickle; rati-caura-ati-lampata - debauchee.

O Krsna O lover of Viraja get away from Me¡ O Lord Hari O restless debauchee why do You trouble Me?

Text 59

sighram- padmavatim- gaccha

ratna-malam- manoharam athava vana-malam- va

rupenapratimam- vraja

sighram - quickly; padmavatim - Padmavati; gaccha - go; ratna-malam - Ratnamala; manoharam - beautiful; athava - or; vana- malam - Vanamala; va - or; rupena - with beauty; apratimam - without equal; vraja - go.

Go at once to Padmavati¡ Go to beautiful Ratnamala‘ or Vanamala‘ whose beauty has no equal!

Text 60

he nadi-kanta devesa

devanam- ca guror guro maya jato 'si bhadram- te

gaccha gaccha mamasramat

he - O; nadi-kanta - lover of a river; devesa - O master of the demigods; devanam - of the demigods; ca - and; guroh - of the guru; gurah - O guru; maya - by Me; jatah - known; asi - You are; bhadram - auspiciousness; te - to You; gaccha - go; gaccha - go; mama - of Me; asramat - from the asrama.

O lover of a river O master of the demigods O guru of the demigods§ guru I knou who You are Auspiciousness to You¡ Go¡ Go from My asrama!

Text 61

sasvat te manusanam- ca

vyavaharas“ ca lampata labhatam- manusim- yonim

golokad vraja bharatam

sasvat - alwasy; te - of You; manusanam - of human beings; ca - and; vyavaharas - activities; ca - and; lampata - O rake; labhatam - may attain; manusim - human; yonim - womb; golokat - from Goloka; vraja - go; bharatam - to Bharata-varsa.

Again and again You act like a human¡ Rake enter a human womb¡ Leave Goloka and go to Bharata-varsa!

Text 62

he susile sasikale

he padmavati madhavi nivaryatam- ca dhurto 'yam

asyatra kim- prayojanam

he - O; susile - Susila; sasikale - O Sasikala; he - O; padmavati - Padmavati; madhavi - Madhavi; nivaryatam - should be stopped; ca - and; dhurtah - criminal; ayam - this; asya - of Him; atra - here; kim - what?; prayojanam - is the need.

O Susila Sasikala Padmavati Madhavi stop this criminal¡ What need have we for Him?

Text 63

radhika-vacanam- srutva

tam ucur gopika harim hitam- tathyam- ca vinayam

saram- yat samayocitam

radhika - of Radha; vacanam - the words; srutva - hearing; tam - to Him; ucuh - said; gopika - the gopis; harim - to Lord Hari; hitam - welfare; tathyam - truth; ca - and; vinayam - gentle; saram - best; yat - what; samaya - to that time; ucitam - appropriate.

After hearing Radha's words the gopis spoke to Lord Hari words that were beneficial truthful gentle sweet and appropriate to that circumstance.

Text 64

kascid ucur iti hare

gaccha sthanantaram- ksanam radha-kopapanayane

gamayisyamahe vayam

kascit - some; ucuh - said; iti - thus; hare - O Lord Hari; gaccha - go; sthanantaram - to another place; ksanam - for a moment; radha - of Radha; kopa - the anger; apanayane - removed; gamayisyamahe vayam - we will bring.

Some said O Lord Hari for a moment go to another place When Radha's anger subsides we will bring You here."

Text 65

kascid ucur ati-pritya

ksanam- gaccha grhantaram tvayaiva vardhita radha

tvam- vina kas“ ca raksati

kascit - some; ucuh - said; ati-pritya - with great love; ksanam - for a moment; gaccha - go; grhantaram - to another home; tvaya - by You; eva - indeed; vardhita - increased; radha - Radha; tvam - You; vina - without; kas - who?; ca - and; raksati - protects.

Some very affectionately said Go home for a moment You make Radha‘ blissful Except for You who can protect Her?"

Text 66

kascid ucur iti premna

radhikaya harim- mune ksanam- vrndavanam- gaccha


kascit - some; ucuh - said; iti - thus; premna - with love; radhikaya - of Radha; harim - to Lord Hari; mune - O sage; ksanam - for a moment; vrndavanam - to Vrndavana; gaccha - go; mana - jealous anger; apanayana - removed; avadhi - until.

O sage out of love for Radha‘ some gopis said to Lord Hari For a moment go to Vrndavana forest until Her anger subsides."

Text 67

kascid ity ucur isam- ca

parihasa-param- vacah manapanayanam- bhaktya

kaminyah„ kuru kamuka

kascit - some; ity - thus; ucuh - said; isam - to the Lord; ca - and; parihasa-param - joking; vacah - words; mana - jealous anger; apanayanam - removal; bhaktya - with devotion; kaminyah - of the passionate girl; kuru - do; kamuka - O passionate one.

Some joked to the Lord O passionate one by devotedly serving Her You will appease the jealous anger of Your passionate beloved."

Text 68

kascanocur itisam- tam

yahi jayantaram- tava lolupasya phalam- natha

karisyamo yathocitam

kascana - some; ucuh - said; iti - thus; isam - - to the Lord; tam - to Him; yahi - go; jaya - wife; antaram - to another; tava - of You; lolupasya - greedy; phalam - fruit; natha - O Lord; karisyamah - we will do; yatha - as; ucitam - proper.

Some said to the Lord Go to another wife and in the meantime O Lord we will bring the result You earnestly desire."

Text 69

kascanocur iti harim

sa-smitam- puratah„ sthitam gatva samipam utthaya

manapanayanam- kuru

kascana - some; ucuh - said; iti - thus;; harim - to Lord Hari; sa-smitam - smiling; puratah - before them; sthitam - situated; gatva - having gone; samipam - near; utthaya - rising; mana - of jealous anger; apanayanam - removal; kuru - please do.

Some stood smiling before Lord Hari and said Go to Her and pacify Her jealous anger".

Text 70

kascanocur iti prana-

natham- gopyo dur-aksaram yah„ ksamah„ sampratam- drastum


kascana - some; ucuh - said; iti - thus; prana- - of life; natham - the Lord; gopyah - the gopis; dur-aksaram - harsh words; yah - who; ksamah - is able; sampratam - now; drastum - to see; radhika-mukha- pankajam - Radha's lotus face.

Some gopis spoke harshly to the Lord of their lives Who can see Radha's lotus face now?"

Text 71

kascanocur iti vibhum

vraja sthanantaram- hare kopapanayane kale

punar agamanam- tava

kascana - some; ucuh - said; iti - thus; vibhum - to the Lord; vraja - go; sthanantaram - to another place; hare - O Lord Hari; kopa - of anger; apanayane - removal; kale - at the time; punah - again; agamanam - return; tava - of You.

Some said to the all-powerful Lord O Lord Hari go to another place and when Her anger is over You may return."

Text 72

kascanocur itidam- tam

pragalbhah„ pramadottamah vayam- tvam- varayisyamo

na ced yahi grhantaram

kascana - some; ucuh - said; iti - thus; idam - this; tam - to Him; pragalbhah - arrogant; pramadottamah - best of women; vayam - we; tvam - to You; varayisyamah - will choose; na - not; cet - if; yahi - go; grhantaram - to another's home.

Some beautiful and arrogant gopis said to Him If You don't go to another's home we will force You to go."

Text 73

kascin nivarayam asur

madhavam- pramadottamah smita-vaktram- ca sarvesam

svaccham akrodham isvaram

kascin - some; nivarayam asuh - prevented; madhavam - Krsna; pramadottamah - beautiful women; smita - smiling; vaktram - face; ca - and; sarva - of all; isam - the Lord; svaccham - peaceful; akrodham - unangry; isvaram - to the Lord.

Some beautiful gopis then surrounded the smiling peaceful and cheerful Supreme Lord of all and prevented Him from entering.

Text 74

gopibhir varyamane ca

jagat-karana-karane sadyas“ cukopa sridama

harau grhantare gate

gopibhih - by the gopis; varyamane - stopped; ca - and; jagat - of the world; karana - of causes; karane - the causes; sadyas - at once; cukopa - became angry; sridama - with Sridama; harau - when Lord Hari; grhantare - to another's home; gate - went.

Forced by the gopis Lord Hari who is the first cause of the world's causes left and and went to another's home Then Sridama‘ became angry.

Text 75

kopad uvaca sridama

radhikam- paramesvarim rakta-padmeksanam- rustam


kopat - out of anger; uvaca - said; sridama - Sridama; radhikam - to Radha; paramesvarim - the supreme goddess; rakta - red; padma - lotus; iksanam - eyes; rustam - angry; rakta - red; pankaja - lotus; locanah - eyes.

His lotus eyes nou red Sridama‘ angrily spoke to the supreme goddess Sri Radha whose lotus eyes were also red with anger.

Text 76


katham- vadasi matas tvam

katu-vakyam- mad-isvaram vicaranam- vina devi

karosi bhartsanam- vrtha

sridama uvaca - Sridama‘ said; katham - why?; vadasi - speak; matah - O mother; tvam - You; katu- vakyam - harsh words; mat - my; isvaram - master; vicaranam - consideration; vina - without; devi - O goddess; karosi - You do; bhartsanam - rebuke; vrtha - uselessly.

Sridama‘ said O mother why do You speak these harsh words to my master? O goddess You rebuke Him without any consideration and for no reason.

Texts 7·-79


jagat-karana-karanam vani-padmalaya-maya-

prakrtisam- ca nirgunam

atmaramam- purna-kamam

karosi tvam- vidambanam devinam- pravara tvam- ca

nibodha yasya sevaya

yasya padarcanenaiva

sarvesam isvari para tam- na janasi kalyani

kim aham- vaktum isvarah

brahma - Brahma; ananta - Ananta; isa - Siva; dharma - Yamaraja; isam - the master; jagat-karana- karanam - the cause of the world's causes; vani - Sarasvati; padma - Laksmi; laya - Laya; maya - Maya; prakrti - and Prakrti; isam - the master; ca - and; nirgunam - free of the modes of nature; atmaramam - self- satisfied; purna-kamam - whose desires are all fulfilled; karosi - do; tvam - You; vidambanam - mocking; devinam - of goddesses; pravara - best; tvam - You; ca - and; nibodha - know; yasya - of whom; sevaya - by the service; yasya - of whom; pada - of the feet; arcanena - by the worship; eva - indeed; sarvesam - of all; isvari - the queen; para - great; tam - Him; na - not; janasi - understand; kalyani - O beautiful one; kim - what?; aham - I; vaktum - to speak; isvarah - am able.

You mock the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is the master of Brahma Ananta Siva and Yama who is the first of all the world's causes who is the master of Sarasvati Laksmi Laya Maya and Prakrti who is beyond the modes of material nature who is self-satisfied and whose desires are all fulfilled Knou that it is only because of Your service to Him and Your worship of His feet that You have become the best of goddesses and the queen of all O beautiful one You do not understand Him Hou can I have the power to describe Him?

Text 80

bhru-bhanga-lilaya krsnah

srastum- saktas“ ca tvad-vidhah kotisah„ koti-devis tvam

na janasi ca nirgunam

bhru - of His eyebrow; bhanga - crooked; lilaya - with thyr pastime; krsnah - Krsna; srastum - to create; saktas - is able; ca - and; tvat - of You; vidhah - like; kotisah - millions; koti - millions; devih - of goddesses; tvam - You; na - don't; janasi - understand; ca - and; nirgunam - beyond the modes of material nature.

With a playful bend in His eyebrows He can create many millions of millions of goddesses like You You do not understand Him the Lord who is beyond the modes of material nature.

Text 81

vaikunthe sri-harer asya

caranabhuja-marjanam karoti kesaih„ sasvac chrih„

sevanam- bhakti-purvakam

vaikunthe - in Vaikuntha; sri-hareh - of Sri Hari; asya - of Him; caranabhuja - the lotus feet; marjanam - massage; karoti - does; kesaih - with her hair; sasvat - eternally; srih„ - the goddess of fortune; sevanam - service; bhakti-purvakam - with devotion.

In Vaikuntha goddess Laksmi eternally serves Lord Hari with great devotion She washes His lotus feet and dries them with her own hair.

Text 82

sarasvati ca stavanaih

karna-piyusa-sundaraih santatam- stauti yam- bhaktya

na janasi tam isvaram

sarasvati - Sarasvati; ca - and; stavanaih - with prayers; karna - for the ears; piyusa - nectar; sundaraih - beautiful; santatam - always; stauti - glorifies; yam - whom; bhaktya - with devotion; na - not; janasi - knows; tam - Him; isvaram - the Lord.

With devotion Sarasvati always praises Him with beautiful prayers that are nectar for the ears You do not understand Him the great Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Text 83

bhita ca prakrtir maya

sarvesam- jiva-rupini santatam- stauti yam- bhaktya

tam- na janasi manini

bhita - afraid; ca - and; prakrtih - the material nature; maya - Maya; sarvesam - of all; jiva- rupini - the form of the living entities; santatam - always; stauti - praises; yam - whom; bhaktya - with devotion; tam - Him; na - not; janasi - You understand; manini - O proud one.

Frightened goddess Maya who is the material energy and the personified life of all conditioned souls always praises Him with devotion O proud one You do not understand Him.

Text 84

stuvanti satatam- veda

mahimnah„ sodasim- kalam kadapi tam- na jananti

tam- na janasi bhamini

stuvanti - offer prayers; satatam - always; veda - the Vedas; mahimnah - of the glory; sodasim - 16; kalam - part; kadapi - sometimes; tam - Him; na - not; jananti - understand; tam - Him; na - not; janasi - understand; bhamini - O beautiful one.

Although they eternally offer prayers to Him the Vedas cannot understand even one sixteenth of His glory O beautiful one You do not understand Him.

Text 85

vaktrais“ caturbhir yam- brahma

vedanam- janako vibhuh stauti sevam- ca kurute

caranambhojam isvari

vaktrais - with heads; caturbhih - four; yam - whom; brahma - Brahma; vedanam - of the Vedas; janakah - the father; vibhuh - powerful; stauti - offers prayers; sevamservice; ca - and; kurute - does; caranambhojam - to the lotus feet; isvari - O goddess.

O goddess with his four heads powerful Brahma the father of the Vedas glorifies Krsna Brahma‘ serves His lotus feet.

Text 86

sankarah„ pacabhir vakraih

stauti yam- yoginam- guruh sasru-purnah„ sa-pulakah

sevate caranambujam

sankarah - Siva; pacabhih - with five; vakraih - heads; stauti - praises; yam - whom; yoginam - of the yogis; guruh - the guru; sasru-purnah - his eyes filled with tears; sa-pulakah - his hairs erect; sevate - serves; caranambujam - the lotus feet.

With his five heads Siva the guru of the yogis offers prayers to Lord Krsna His eyes filled with tears and the hairs of his body erect he serves Lord Krsna's lotus feet.

Text 87

sesah„ sahasra-vadanaih

paramatmanam isvaram satatam- stauti bhaktya ca

sevate caranambujam

sesah - Sesa; sahasra-vadanaih - with a thousand mouths; paramatmanam - to the Supersoul; isvaram - the Supreme Personality of Godhead; satatam - always; stauti - praises; bhaktya - with devotion; ca - and; sevate - serves; caranambujam - the lotus feet.

With His thousand heads Ananta Sesa again and again offers prayers to Lord Krsna the all-pervading Supersoul He devotedly serves Lord Krsna's lotus feet.

Text 88

dharmah„ pata ca sarvesam

saksi ca jagatam- patih bhaktya ca caranambhojam

sevate satatam- muda

dharmah - Dharma; pata - the protector; ca - and; sarvesam - of all; saksi - the witness; ca - and; jagatam - of the worlds; patih - the master; bhaktya - with devotion; ca - and; caranambhojam - the lotus feet; sevate - serves; satatam - always; muda - joyfully.

Dharma who is the protector and witness of everyone and the master of the worlds happily and devotedly serves Lord Krsna's feet always.

Text 89

svetadvipa-nivasi yah

pata visnuh„ svayam- vibhuh„

asyamsas“ ca tatha cayam

dhyayate 'nuksanam- param

svetadvipa - in sptvetadvipa; nivasi - residing; yah - who; pata - Lord; visnuh - Visnu; svayam - personally; vibhuh - powerful; asya - of Him; amsah - the part; ca - and; tatha - so; ca - and; ayam - He; dhyayate - meditates; anuksanam - at every moment; param - then.

All-powerful Lord Visnu who resides in Svetadvipa and is His partial incarnation meditates on Lord Krsna as the Supreme at every moment.

Text 90

surasura-munindras“ ca

manavo manava budhah sevante na hi pasyanti

svapne 'pi caranambujam

sura - the demigods; asura - the demons; munindrah - the kings of the sages; ca - and; manavah - the manus; manava - the human beings; budhah - the wise; sevante - serve; na - not; hi - indeed; pasyanti - see; svapne - in dream; api - even; caranambujam - lotus feet.

The demigods demons sages kings manus humans and philosophers serve Him even though they cannot see His lotus feet even in a dream.

Text 91

ksipram- rosam- parityajya

bhaja padambujam- hareh bhru-bhanga-lila-matrena

srsti-samhartur eva ca

ksipram - quickly; rosam - anger; parityajya - abandoning; bhaja - worship; padambujam - the lotus feet; hareh - of Lord Hari; bhru - of His eyebrow; bhanga - with the bending; lila - pastime; matrena - only; srsti - creation; samhartuh - removing; eva - indeed; ca - and.

At once abandon Your pride and worship the lotus feet of Lord Hari who merely by the play of bending His eyebrou destroys the material creation.

Text 92

nimesa-matrad asyaiva

brahmanah„ patanam- bhavet yasyaika-divase 'py asta-

vimsatindrah„ patanty api

nimesa - blinking; matrat - by only; asya - of Him; eva - indeed; brahmanah - of Brahma; patanam - the falling; bhavet - is; yasya - of whom; eka - one; divase - day; api - even asta-vimsati - 28; indrah - Indras; patanty - fall; api - also.

Brahma's lifetime is an eye-blink for Lord Krsna Twenty- eight Indras live their lives in Brahma's day.

Text 93

evam astottara-satam

ayur yasya jagad-vidheh tvam- va kanyas“ ca va radhe

mad-isvara-vase 'khilam

evam - thus; astottara-satam - 108; ayuh - life; yasya - of whom; jagad-vidheh - of the creator of the universe; tvam - You; va - or; kanyas - girls; ca - and; va - or; radhe - O Radha; mad-isvara-vase - in the control of my master; akhilam - completely.

Brahma‘ lives for 10¸ years calculated in this way O Radha You and the gopis and everyone and everything are under my master's dominion.

Text 94

sridamno vacanam- srutva

kevalam- katum ulbanam sadyas“ cukopa sa brahmann

utthaya tam uvaca ha

sridamnah - of Sridama; vacanam - the statement; srutva - hearing; kevalam - only; katum - harsh; ulbanam - strong; sadyas - at once; cukopa - was angry; sa - She; brahman - - O brahmana; utthaya - rising; tam - to him; uvaca - said; ha - indeed.

Hearing Sridama's very harsh and forceful words She became suddenly angry She stood up and spoke to him.

Text 95

rasesvari bahir gatva

tam uvaca ha nisthuram sphurad-osthi mukta-kesi


rasesvari - the queen of the rasa dance; bahih - outside; gatva - going; tam - to him; uvaca - said; ha - indeed; nisthuram - harsh; sphurat - trembling; osthi - lips; mukta - loosened; kesi - hair; rakta - red; ambhoruha - lotus; locana - eyes.

Going outside Her hair loosened Her lotus eyes red and Her lips trembling She harshly spoke to him.

Text 96


re re jalma maha-mudha

srnu lampata-kinkara tvam- ca janasi sarvartham

na janami tvad-isvaram

sri-radhika uvaca - Sri Radha‘ said; re - O; re - O; jalma - wretch; maha-mudha - greta fool; srnu - listen; lampata - of a rake; kinkara - O servant; tvam - you; ca - and; janasi - know; sarvartham - everything; na - not; janami - I know; tvad-isvaram - your master.

Sri Radha‘ said Rogue¡ Fool¡ Servant of a rake¡ Listen I don't knou your master You knou everything about Him

Text 97

tvad-isvaro hi sri-krsno

na hy asmakam- vrajadhama janami janakam- stausi

sada nindasi mataram

tvad-isvarah - your master; hi - indeed; sri-krsnah - Sri Krsna; na - not; hy - indeed; asmakam - of us; vraja-adhama - O lowest of Vraja; janami - I know; janakam - the father; stausi - praises; sada - always; nindasi - rebukes; mataram - the mother.

O lowest wretch in Vraja Sri Krsna is your master and not Mine? You praise your father and rebuke your mother.

Text 98

yathasuras“ ca tridasan

nityam- nindanti santatam tatha nindasi mam- mudha

tasmat tvam asuro bhava

yatha - as asuras - a demon; ca - and; tridasan - the demigods; nityam - always; nindanti - rebukes; santatam - always; tatha - so; nindasi - rebuke; mam - Me; mudha - fool; tasmat - therefore; tvam - you; asurah - a demon; bhava - become.

As the demons always insult the demigods so you always insult Me¡ Therefore O fool become a demon¡

Text 99

gopa vrajasurim- yonim

golokac ca bahir bhava mayadya sapto mudhas tvam

kas tvam- raksitum isvarah

gopa-O gopa; vraja - go; asurim - demonic; yonim - womb; golokat - from Goloka; ca - and; bahih - outside; bhava - become; maya - by Me; adya - now; saptah - cursed; mudhah - fool; tvam - you; kah - who?; tvam - you; raksitum - to protect; isvarah - is able.

Gopa leave Goloka and go to a demoness§ womb Fool nou I have cursed you Who can protect you?

Text 100

rasesvari tam ity uktva

susvapa virarama ca vayasyah„ sevayam asus

camarai ratna-mustibhih

rasesvari - the queen of the rasa dance; tam - to him; ity - thus; uktva - speaking; susvapa - cursed; virarama - stopped; ca - and; vayasya - with friends; sevayam - in service; asuh - became; camarai - with camaras; ratna-mustibhih - with jewel handles.

After thus cursing him the queen of the rasa dance became silent Then with jewel-handled camaras in their hands Her friends served Her.

Text 101

srutva ca vacanam- tasyah

kopena sphuritadharah sasapa tam- ca sridama

vraja yonim- ca manusim

srutva - hearing; ca - and; vacanam - the words; tasyah - of Her; kopena - wth anger; sphurita - trembling; adharah - lips; sasapa - cursed; tam - Her; ca - and; sridama - Sridama; vraja - go; yonim - to a womb; ca - and; manusim - human.

After hearing Her words his lips trembling in anger Sridama‘ cursed Her Go to the womâ of a human woman!

Text 102

manusya iva kopas te

tasmat tvam- manusi bhuvi bhavisyasi na sandeho

maya sapta tvam ambike

manusya - a human woman; iva - like; kopah - anger; te - of You; tasmat - therefore; tvam - you; manusi - human; bhuvi - on earth; bhavisyasi - become; na - no; sandehah - doubt; maya - by me; sapta - cursed; tvam - You; ambike - O mother.

You are angry like a human woman therefore become a human woman on the earth¡ Mother I have cursed You Of this there is no doubt.

Text 103

chayaya kalaya capi

para-grasta kalankini mudha rayana-patnim- tvam

vaksyanti jagati-tale

chayaya - with a shadow; kalaya - with a part; ca - and; api - also; para-grasta - taken; kalankini - defiled; mudha - fool; rayana - of a petty kng; patnim - the wife; tvam - You; vaksyanti - will say; jagati-tale - on the earth.

You will be eclipsed by a part of Your own shadow The fools on the earth will say you are the wife of a petty king.

Text 104

rayanah„ sri-harer amso

vaisyo vrndavane vane bhavisyati maha-yogi

radha-sapena garbhajah

rayanah - that petty king; sri-hareh - of Lord Hari; amsah - a partial incarnation; vaisyah - a vaisya; vrndavane - in Vrndavana; vane - forest; bhavisyati - will be; maha-yogi - a great yogi; radha-sapena - by Radha's curse; garbhajahborn in a human womb.

That petty king will be a partial incarnation of Lord Hari He will be a great yogi born in a human womâ because of Radha's curse on him.

Text 105

gokule prapya tam- krsnam

vihrtya vasa kanane bhavita te varsa-satam

vicchedo harina saha punah„ prapya tam isam- ca

golokam agamisyasi

gokule - in Gokula; prapya - attaining; tam - Him; krsnam - Krsna; vihrtya - enjoying pastimes; vasa - reside; kanane - in the forest; bhavita - will be; te - of You; varsa-satam - a hundred years; vicchedah - separation; harina - with Lord Hari; saha - with; punah - again; prapya - attaining; tam - Him; isam - the Lord; ca - and; golokam - to Goloka; agamisyasi - You will come.

In Gokula You will attain Lord Krsna You will stay with Him in the forest there and enjoy pastimes with Him You will be separated from Him for a hundred years and then You will attain Him Your Lord again and return with Him to Goloka

Text 106

tam ity uktva na natva ca

sa jagama hareh„ purah gatva pranamya sri-krsnam

sapakhyanam uvaca ha

tam - to Her; ity - thus; uktva - speaking; na - not; natva - bowing; ca - and; sah - he; jagama - went; hareh - of Lord Hari; purah - to the presence; gatva - going; pranamya - bowing; sri- krsnam - to Sri Krsna; sapa - of the curse; akhyanam - - the story; uvaca - told; ha - certainly.

After speaking these words and after bowing down before Radha Sridama‘ went to Lord Hari Bowing down before Lord Krsna Sridama‘ narrated the story of the cursings.

Text 107

anupurvyat tu tat sarvam

ruroda ca bhrsam- vrajah uvaca tam- rudantam- ca

gacchantam- dharani-talam

anupurvyat - as never before; tu - indeed; tat - that; sarvam - everything; ruroda - wept; ca - and; bhrsam - greatly; vrajah - Vraja; uvaca - said; tam - indeed; rudantam - weeping; ca - and; gacchantam - going; dharani-talam - to the earth.

Sridama‘ wept as never before As weeping Sridama‘ was about to go to the earth Lord Krsna said to him

Text 108

na jeta te tri-bhuvane

hy asurendro bhavisyasi

na - not; jeta - defeating; te - of You; tri- bhuvane - in the three worlds; hy - indeed; asurendrah - great demon; bhavisyasi - you will be.

You will become the king of demons In the three worlds no one will defeat you.

Text 109

kale sankara-sulena

deham- tyaktva mamantikam agamisyasi pacasad-

yuge 'tite mad-asisa

kale - in time; sankara - of Lord Siva; sulena - by the spear; deham - body; tyaktva - abandoning; mama - of Me; antikam - to the presence; agamisyasi - you will come; pacasat - fifty; yuge - yugas; atite - passed; mad-asisa - by My benediction.

After fifty yugas Siva's spear will make you leave that body and with My blessings you will return to Me.

Text 110

sri-krsnasya vacah„ srutva

tam uvaca sucanvitah tvad-bhakti-rahitam- mam- ca

kadacin na karisyasi

sri-krsnasya - of Lord Krsna; vacah - the words; srutva - hearing; tam - to Him; uvaca - said; sucanvitah - filled with grief; tvat - to You; bhakti - devotion; rahitam - without; mam - me; ca - and; kadacin - ever; na - not; karisyasi - You will make.

After hearing Lord Krsna's words grieving Sridama‘ said to Him You will never transform me into a person that has no devotion for You.

Text 111

ity uktva sa harim- natva

jagama svasramad bahih pascaê jagama sa devi

ruroda ca punah„ punah

ity - thus; uktva - speaking; sah - he; harim - to Lord Hari; natva - bowing; jagama - went; svasramat - from his own abode; bahih - outside; pascat - behind; jagama - went; sa - She; devi - the goddess; ruroda - wept; ca - and; punah - again; punah - and again.

Saying this Sridama‘ left his own asrama Then weeping again and again Radha‘ came there.

Text 112

kva yasi vatsety uccarya

vilalapa bhrsam- sati sa eva sankhacudas“ ca

babhuva tulasi-patih

kva - where; yasi - are you going; vatsa - O child; iti - thus; uccarya - callingout; vilalapa - lamented; bhrsam - greatly; sati - pious; sah - he; eva - indeed; sankhacudah - Sankhacuda; ca - and; babhuva - became; tulasi-patih - the husband of Tulasi.

Saintly Radha‘ louldy lamented Child where are you going?¢ Then Sridama‘ became Sankhacuda the husband of Tulasi.

Text 113

gate sridamni sa devi

jagamesvara-sannidhim sarvam- nivedayam asa

harih„ pratyuttaram- dadau

gate - was gone; sridamni - when Sridama; sa - she; devi - the goddess; jagama - went; isvara-sannidhim - - to the Lord; sarvam - everything; nivedayam asa - told; harih - Lord Hari; pratyuttaram - reply; dadau - gave.

When Sridama‘ had left Goddess Radha‘ approached Lord Hari She told Him everything and He spoke to Her.

Text 114

sokaturam- ca tam- krsno

bodhayam asa preyasim sankhacudas“ ca kalena

samprapa punar isvaram

sokaturam - filled with grief; ca - and; tam - to Her; krsnah - Krsna; bodhayam asa - informed; preyasim - His beloved; sankhacudas - Sankhacuda; ca - and; kalena - in time; samprapa - attaining; punah - again; isvaram - the Lord.

Lord Krsna told everything to His grieving beloved Then in the course of time Sridama‘ became Sankhacuda and then returned to the Lord.

Text 115

radha jagama dharanim

varahe harina saha vrsabhanu-grhe janma

lalabha gokule mune

radha - Radha; jagama - went; dharanim - to the earth; varahe - in the Varaha kalpa; harina - Lord Hari; saha - with; vrsabhanu - of Vrsabhanu; grhe - in the home; janma - birth; lalabha - attained; gokule - in Gokula; mune - O sage.

In the Varaha-kalpa Radha‘ went with Lord Hari to the earth O sage She attained a birth in Gokula in King Vrsabhanu's home.

Text 116

ity evam- kathitam- sarvam

sri-krsnakhyanam uttamam sarvesam- vachitam- sarvam

kim- bhuyah„ srotum icchasi

ity - thus; evam - in this way; kathitam - spoken; sarvam - everything; sri-krsnakhyanam - the story of Sri Krsna; uttamam - greatest; sarvesam - of all; vachitam - desired; sarvam - all; kim - what; bhuyah - more; srotum - to hear; icchasi - you wish.

In this way I have spoken the transcendental narrations of Lord Krsna which everyone yearns to hear What more do you wish to hear?


Anonymous said...

Thank You very much for this wonderful work, Its a big devotional service.


Anonymous said...

Thank You very much for this wonderful work, Its a big devotional service.